You're just like everyone else now : )

We can fill Thousand needles with all these GDKPs tears.


Bit disingenuous to be pointing to the AH like that without at least pointing out that laundering posts are fairly easily distinguishable from normal player auctions. Server logs exist and you would have to be pretty dumb to think they can’t watch and track those things…given they’ve been able to log a lot of it since at least vanilla TBC, probably earlier.
They can tell the difference and track these things, you know it, i know it, anyone with a clue knows it.

Hell we could flood thousand needles with just this warlock’s :tipping_hand_man:


Welp, time for you to go back to Era then. Buh bye! :wave:

So that’s what happened in Cataclysm! :rofl:

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Still waiting on someone to explain sensibly how when you are in your own normal loot raid enjoying yourself and rolling for loot, you’re somehow negatively impacted by another private raid group who all agreed on their own way of handling loot that doesn’t affect your raid group in any way.

Is it just out of plain spite?

We might as well remove grouped content and force LFR/LFD on everyone so everyone is bound by the only acceptable form of loot distribution.

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We had a Mage in our guild in TBCC that just swore by this logic and simultaneously did everything he could to be first to zone in to “fix the seed”

We always blamed him for the horrible loot. Good times!

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Yup. You’re a hunter alright.

“I lost, my bad behavior is justified”

pfft, bahaha.

I don’t play era and never have. Good try though little bro

the anti-gdkp crowd still can’t give a valid answer to why they want it banned but still use the AH

man this ban has proven to be extremely toxic

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Because it would require something drastic like removing the auction house in order to address that? The banning of GDKP takes a large swat at the RMT that take place. Does it fix all of the RMT-related issues? No, certainly not. But a step forward is a step forward.

It’s similar with the PVP-premade case, where rather than BANNING premades, they made adjustments to drive down the 90% chance of encountering one when solo-queueing.

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GG bud