This happens every time a new combination comes out. Like you said, it will die down and you’ll have the few hardcore rpers who love them
We’ve had to adjust to a lot since BC, for sure. I’ve wanted draenei rogues since day one, and we finally have them. I’m glad we’re seeing options open up, and I’m really hoping that hint for krokul they dropped in Seeing Red wasn’t just hot air.
I made a draenei rogue specifically for Seeing Red.
This is the first time in a long time where I as a role player had to really get into my character’s heads in a long time and think “how on earth would they react to this?”.
It’s been a net positive, I just don’t want the addition of man’ari eredar to erode the draenei asthetic or dominate the already limited story-space.
That’s a valid concern, Blizzard has a habit of abandoning everything for the sake of the newest, shiniest thing. Heritage in particular has a very hit-or-miss track record, both in terms of the actual quality of the armor and the storytelling behind it. Here’s hoping for the best