The bike that the Horde can no longer obtain even on this day? The bike that can never come back so if you weren’t logged on as a horde player between a specific date you can never have it again? That bike? Or are you referring to the alliance bike sitting in stormwind that can be bought at any time when ever by any alliance player and will never disappear? I’m sure glad the horde won that!
Again: Alliance is the casual chill faction of course they would perform poorly against a die hard dedicated playerbase who basically lives and breathes world of warcraft. Everyone loves the villian in this case because the alliance is the same goody two shoes faction from other universes like Lord of the rings, Warhammer, Narnia, literally any movie with the humans being in the center of the holy good faction against what ever evil faction is in their universe.
Its not humanitys fault thats what people like and why it keeps getting copy pasted with a different coat of paint. Horde players rather having something different and unique the underdog if you will. There is no unexplained losses and expansions that really cater to Horde. BC maiev tricked both factions that illidan was some evil big bad. So she duped both factions it wasn’t about either one.
Wotlk: Alliance ICC raid is the canon so horde just gets F’ed there, the wrath gate both forces suffered greatly with the horde suffering even more with the battle for undercity.
Cata: The story focuses between thrall and malfurion with each faction going into the world doing their thing. Horde loses yet another gun airship and just gets tossed to the side.
Mists: Horde are the bad guys, have a civil war, and the alliance pretty much gets to take advantage of the entire situation and depowers the powerhouse thats the horde.
Dreanor: Shows the orcish’s evil past and pretty much shuns them, Yrel gets a lot of spot light with the alliance and horde gets… a depressed thrall that becomes irrelevant losing the last great character with a ton of power.
Legion: Oh look hordes the bad guys again and we lose vol’jin to a random demonic mob the actual warchief getting 1v1ed by a random demon, damn thats brutal. Then genn greymane completely destroys the forsaken armada making the horde even weaker.
BFA: Sylvanas starts another horde civil war and kills saurfang damn the hits keep comin and they dont stop comin, horde loses undercity like alliance loses teldrassil. The scales power tip more towards balance outside of alliance dominance. BUT WAIT Theres more! Horde lost all their eastern kingdoms regions except eversong woods and ghostlands. Its all alliance controlled, not only that but the alliance reclaimed darkshore and ashenvale woods, Horde completely lost everything at this point. But its the alliance who keeps losing what?
Shadowlands: This expansion is pretty much non canon to me and doesn’t really focus on anything other than sylvanas redemption ark and Tyranda actually not dying to the pact she made with elune so i call it a fair trade.
Not to mention all the horde leaders we have lost compared to the minimal amount of alliance leaders.