Your toons mount

What is “your” characters mount and gear? Are you like me, and have hundreds of mounts but will only use the ones that your toon would use in your headcanon? Or do you just use whatever is most recently released?


My most used mounts are Garn Nighthowl for land and Obsidian Worldbreaker (currently) for flying.

I went with a Warlock because —

I like running around killing stuff in a dress , I like muddled , morally ambiguous characters , I love the Succubus , it fits Belf , and I loved the FELSTEED before I ever even saw it.

My Felsteed is named Sylvie :heart:— after Sylvannas Windrunner.

( Yes , I do have a framed portrait of Sylvannas Windrunner hanging on my wall. :blush: )

Though a Belf , for involved head - canon reasons , I’m really far more aligned with the Forsaken.

I usually get exalted with the Forsaken before I get Exalted with Silvermoon, and my first big purchase was a Forsaken blue skeletal horse. His hooves are huge , and his horse shoes are likewise huge.
So I call him Big Shoes. :heart:

Tauren are just adorable , and they tend to hang out with Nelfs in the Cenarian Circle. I’m contradictorily crazy about Nelfs , and I love the Cenarian Circle.

In keeping with the Care bear cuteness , I got a Tauren Great White Kodo. And he’s adorable too. :heart:

I haven’t come up with a name for my kodo , but then , "Great White Kodo " seems sufficiently cute in itself. :blush:

Returning again to Night Elfs and the Cenarian Circle , I absolutely love my Cenarian War Hyppogryth . Her name is Nancy. She flies and handles like an Alfa - Romeo sports car. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::sparkling_heart:

I have a really creepy / crazy crush on Onyxia and Nalice , so I badly want an Onyxian Drake. :heartbeat:

If I manage to get one , I haven’t decided whether to name her after a Nelf I met in Hyjal who was really nice to me named Thistlie Crow , or name her after Dark Ranger Cyndia. :heartpulse:

I also like the Red Drake mount. It is pretty plain Jane as far as Dragon mounts go , and it handles like a bus , but I’m very very fond of Wyrmrest Accord too. I think when i get one I’ll name her Dalormi after the equipment repair vendor in Wyrmrest Accord. :gift_heart:

Oh , and lastly I had to buy the Iron Horde Sky Reaver , because it’s just plain marvelous a mount , and I really cannot stand the starter - Horde flying mount , the bat wing lion. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

The Siamese twins are male and female , with Allison on the right , and Sparky on the left. At first the undulating movement and sudden mid - air rolls of my Iron Horde Sky Reaver unsettled me. But I soon grew to love the twins quirky eccentricity. :cupid:

… You need help. And this is coming from an unliving corpse that sometimes dips into speaking Shath’yar because I channel the Void. I was trying to perfect a plague that would enslave everyone to the Forsaken, and I’m really wishing I had tried to make it wipe out all life instead.

But to properly answer the question, I favored, in undeath, a skeletal mount vaguely resembling the famed Midnight of Karazhan… it’s not, but it certainly looks alike. As well, I tended to ride an armored Bloodwing- a bat- when I took to the skies. Stereotypical, yes, but it works.


I’m sure i do.
— But then who doesn’t ?

That’s actually quite understandable , given , for example , that I just went well out of my way to entertain you , and it’s no skin off my nose if you are bored , but the best you can do is knock it.

Granted though , you have played the flatly two - dimensional , impossible to like or relate too , WoW canon Forsaken perfectly. :+1:

I personally really enjoy my Class-Hall mount, but before such I use to roam on my Frost-Flying-Magical-Carpet. I envisioned it with a personality (Much like the one from Aladdin) where it’s backstory goes to when twas a Playful Magical Entity Soul eventually imprisoned between the veil of the Shadowlands & Life by the Old God Yogg Saron for playing mild pranks on his lieutenants; of which she would required a vessel to be born amongst the world once more - One of which, I was able to craft allowing her to be free & spirited once again. :slight_smile:

" Let’s go play around with Fel powers , and hang around with Vile Fiends and Succubi ! "

( Gee , that sounds really sensible on it’s face ? )

THAT , in simple terms , is a Warlock.

Most warlocks that live past the title of “acolyte,” and indeed, their first day, treat their powers with the respect a volatile, highly-explosive chemical compound deserves, however. Regardless of any childlike facade they put on.

You must have been a miracle case, clearly…

And please, do not attempt to wrest the topic of this exchange of information and ideas from its original purpose- if you are not contributing to the topic the initiator set forth, restrain yourself from speaking…

((For the record, I’m posting ICly from Coldian’s perspective. He is/was a scientist, viewed himself as an irredeemable monster, and generally looked down on people. His story is not a happy one. None of the first generation of Forsaken had much cause to be joyous, really.))

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The OP asked for filler concerning our mounts. Not , as far as I can tell , reflections on my character , personality , or the realism of such relative to realism.




For official purposes he uses his Plaguebat Heidi or Skeletal Charger Zorn. Benedikt adores both these creatures and treats them as treasured pets but his favorite by far is Blitzen, the Argent Hippogryph, that served him well in the Crusade. He’s his swiftest and most reliable ride.

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Hawke here has Three mounts.
a flying one that is a gyrocopter, that he scavenged and repaired with a new paint job.

A motorcycle that he had to get the parts for, but in the end he had someone build it for him, he’s a scavenger not a full dedicated engineer, so he can only scrap together things if they are not high tech.

than lastly, a pony named buttercup, he got one as a gift from a rogue who in all honesty, was a very odd friend.
But the reason he wanted a pony in the first place, was not to buy one, but merely just “Earn” one, like considering it a life goal that you happen to fulfill as you went on that journey for other reasons.

It varies tremendously.

Each of my c haracters has a favorite land or air mount, my Druid prefers her Cenarian War Hyppogryph, My Night Elf Mage, her Silver Covenant gryph, my Fire Mage, her Flameward Hyppogrpyh. my Night Elf Rogue prefers the Long-Forgotten variant of same. Sometimes however my rp will involve grabbing a mount from a flight master or other npc and so I’ll pick a mount that matches what they have.

Azure Cloud Serpent… then later the Onyx Cloud Serpent

The long of the short of it; Cail spent a lot of time in Pandaria, living among the Pandaren farmers of Halfhill and traversing the waterways to explore as much of the local fishing as possible. He also spent a great deal of time traveling the Jade Forest and became enamored with the Cloud Serpents and their Riders. It’s a rather long story but suffice to say he was gifted an egg of the Blue Serpents. He hatched it, tended to the young Cloud Serpent and raised it. The serpent was captured as a young adult and corrupted to become an Onyx Serpent. Though Cail was able to free the Serpent from it’s physical and mental captivity the corruption trauma was deep and the damage done. It remains an Onyx Serpent.

The Serpent itself doesn’t follow Cail around, and chooses to remain in Pandaria among familiar trappings; being well cared for by the many friends Cail has made among the Pandaren. Even still, the two share a unique bond. The Onyx Serpent will venture far from Pandaria from time to time in search of Cail, and he does so at his own whim. There’s no telling when the Onyx Cloud Serpent might make an appearance. Though the Serpent gleefully carries Cail upon his back, he isn’t so much a mount as he is a companion with a fully realized persona all his own.

Running Wild. It’s a really fun racial.

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Sir, I hope for the safety of yourself and everyone that you do not ride your mount with a blindfold on.

Each of my alts has a mount that they use icly. It is difficult picking the best ones. Muffin, the wyvern is a faithful mount for my rogue. He also has a hippo named Blubber. I have rp questions like this in my discord (~ My DH though has an armored bat named Bitty. Oh and I often switch mounts on some alts, like my hunter. Sometimes it is hard to choose just one…

That’s the beauty of mounts like hyppogryphs and dragons. They’re intelligent partners that can see and decide for themselves.

always the undead ebon griffin for cybil, hunter its the faster gyrocopter, so head cannon i guess.

I think my character hates how much she has to use the sky golem to pick flowers.
Its a complex machine but very effective.
Her go too mount for flying is the deathlords vilebrood vanquisher while her ground mount will be the black bonestead she earned fighting in the arena.
Both mounts being necrotic abominations makes her feel at home.

White Stallion (Old School Ride).

I saved up enough money (1000g, minus the rep discount, so, 900g?) to buy it before they even announced that they were going to add a paladin class quest at 60 for a mount. That’s right - the Charger did not come with release, however the slower Warhorse did. The charger was added in Patch 1.4, in April 2005, and was announced in March, IIRC.

As to the IC story, well: barding is heavy! Chargers make sense in war, but when you’re just moving from one place to the other, you wouldn’t load up your horse.