Your Shadowlands Customization Wishlist

Dark Ranger options for Belfs, Nelfs and humans. Mostly the elves though.

I wish to look a tad bit taller without the Requirement of potions.

Void Elves: Void Elf Skin Tunes in Void Form, Farstrider Tattoos from Warcraft 2, Hair Colors, Short Ears, Scars, Hairstyles, Jewelry, Beards, and of course Monster/Corruption Features.

Draenei: Broken Draenei Options, Eredar Fel Red/Purple/Blue Skin Corruptions, some of the Lightforged Features like Beards, Hairstyles, and etc.

Blood Elves: San’layn Features and Dark Ranger Options.

Goblins: Sea Goblins.

Tauren: Grimtotem Tauren, Yaungol, and Taunka Clans.

Dwarves: Frost Dwarves, Warcraft 3 Features from the Units, and of course Female Dwarf Beards.

Night Elves: Malfurian’s Beard, Tyrande’s Hair, Maiev’s Hair, Brown Skin Tunes, Druidic Features, Warcraft 3 Features, and etc.

Gnomes: Leper Gnomes.

Worgen: Wolf Ears, and Cat People.

Trolls: Forest Troll Tribe, Frost Troll Tribe, and freaking Beards for Males.

Undead: Beards, Lich Options, and Nathanos Features.

Orcs: Mok’thanal Clan, Dragonmaw Clan, Blackrock Orc Timeline Clan, Warcraft 3 Features, and Grom Hellscream Hair.

Humans: Vrykul/Viking Options like War Paint, Scars, Beards, Hair Colors, Wizard Options, Thin Human, Whitemane Options, Asian Hairstyles, Black Hairstyles, Scars, Hairstyles of Varian, Jaina, Turalyon, and etc.

Nightborne: Nightfallen Skin Tunes, Eye Colors, Beards, and etc.

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Oooh that would be so nice. The WoW Cultist Skins are awesome!

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-Upright Undead

-Red and Green glowing eye colors for DK’s

-Ability to have customizations change when you change specs, similar to transmog.

Cultist/Crusader faces for humans at the least.

Oh, that would be nice.

I always wanted to have red eyes crying tears of blood on my Blood DK.

Yeah, it’d be nice having eye colors to represent all 3 DK specs.

And also something else I’d like to add to the list is the ability to have your customizations change when you change specs similar to how you can have a different transmog for each spec.

I wish we could choose different colors for hair decorations, or at least have more options, especially for pandaren. So many of their hairstyles have big red/green ornaments, there are a couple with bright orange and pink flowers, and only one with just gold.

Feels super limited as far as transmog goes if we want their hair stuff to not clash ):

The big thing I would really like to see that isn’t available (maybe for like, 9.1?) is ‘dark ranger’ or undead high elf options for forsaken. Have a toggle option where you can toggle between an elf forsaken model or a human forsaken model, with all the other customization options basically the same between the two. (skin/hair colours, eyes, decay level, etc).
I want to be able to make an undead elf who isn’t a death knight, and who can cannibalize!