Your rarest title?

That would make my Lt General title from vanilla my rarest.

Also the title I use, and will probably always use.

Conqueror on Lieutenant General

Best title in game too.

mine is the lord of war

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Rarest would be Commander from Vanilla, followed by Esteemed and Justicar.

Hero of the Horde.
High Warlord.

Immortal & Undying probably.

Sadly there is no title for the hardest faction rep to get in the game ever which is also no longer available was the faction from Dire Maul. Shatar something.

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Obviously Guardian of G’hanir!

High Warlord, The Original from Classic. Well Its Grand Marshal now that I am playing Alliance.

There has to be some bugs with that title site because both my mage and my druid both have “[Name], Blessed Defender of Nordrassil” but it is not registering the title. But otherwise, looks like the old Immortal title is my rarest (which I got on my mage at the time)

I take it back, looks like my old Horde Lock who got “[Name], of the Black Harvest” is my rarest title. Got that literally with like a week to spare on getting it.

This guy is the one I did the most crap with waaaaaay back in the day, and the rarest title he has is “Stone Guard” (this character started human, so he had “Knight” after vanilla). Rarest after that is “Headmaster”, archaeology bit from the Nar’thalas Academy. My orc warlock, my very first character, has “Grunt”; after that, his rarest is “of the Black Harvest”.

Mistwalker for MoP Challenge modes.

It’s a temporary title, which is why it isn’t registering it.


Knight-Champion. Earned it in 2005 fighting the Horde in Tarren Mill and Crossroads. Alliance usually won on Khadgar (US).

General title is listed at .1%

Seems low. Is that site showing any player ever getting something, or only current players?

The one I wish was permanent is “Slayer of Stupid, Incompetent and Disappointing Minions”. best ever IMO.

Archdruid shows as 4.7% and every druid who played legion got that title?

Senior Sergeant

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Lady of War apparently, it’s at .3

Searching doesn’t work, so I had to check starting at the back of the list

The site seems to bring up every title that ever existed when I try and use it, but scrolling through it looks like The Tactician would be my rarest.

Vanilla Field Marshal

My Top one is my Conqueror of Naxx, followed by my Immortal title.