Your phone wallpaper is your bodyguard

Skateboarders? That’s oddly specific :joy:

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My wife in her wedding gown looking like a goddess


it me. i will be my bodyguard

Cmon man… Realyy? So my bodyguards a blue dragon quest slime?..literally the weakest monster in the game…

I recently had to factory reset this darn thing so now all I see is the dark void.

Sounds about right, honestly.

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I guess I’ll just be slapping my potential mugger with some abstract art that came with my phone as the default.

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Dorian Pavus


me Thor and jane as Thor lol I’m good

The View of a lake form my front window… so uhh… I guess north Idaho is my body guard?


Picture of kid Goku on flying nimbus flying above Master Roshi house (nice art)


Mine is Ellie from The Last of Us Part II.

Iris from Phoenix Wright is apparently my bodyguard. I don’t she’ll be very good, but she certainly is an angel.

I have the movie poster for Wonder Woman on mine

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The fire station I volunteer at.

I believe in Engine 2.

…My lock screen is sauerkraut, though, so this is generally not a safe game for me.

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She is an odd ball. Those are the only 2 things that we ever has any aggression toward.


its actually me, on a horse, so im feeling pretty good

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Lock screen, or home screen?

Lock would be my 2 pups (may they rest in peace), Home would be my massive cat. She really could protect me lol.

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My Siberian husky


my two kids anxiously awaiting christmas present opening time…

I’m safer with the actual physical phone being my body guard… :laughing: