Your Perfect Ret Version

I will say i would like the old reckoning that allowed us to 1 shot in pvp. I will say it was op. But then again so was enhancement shamans using 2h with wf and basically running by someone killing them with wf procs. Again i know it was op but was also fun. Just make it so you cant 1 shot bosses.

Also give us exorcism back but add a ms effect on it. And adjust the time so the effect can always be up.

I liked cata ret too. Actually having a resource system you could funnel into def or offense made the spec feel like a real hybrid. It wasn’t just hit whatever button lights up, and using your resources properly( wings + last word) could make massive plays. First season cata was the only time I ever pvp’d seriously in arena.
I miss being able to pop wings for defense or offense. Ret was always cool like that untill legion, where your CDs pulled double duty.

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Okay how about holy power want to be full, so it auto regen “slowly”. So once you start a fight you start with “5” holy power without using your spell.

I hate holy power even though I like Ret. It much like Warrior rage system. Use skills to refill a bar to use other skills is a very very bad system.

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WoD Ret hands down, Empowered seals allowed for some great game play in arena
 being tanky, able to pillar when needed. Selfless healer was decent, could offheal good and WoG was great. Judgment speed boost and Emancipate

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My perfect version of Ret Paladin:

WoD as a base hands down, the talent tree gave the player different interesting builds. How ever, I would add some Legion Artifact traits and bring the AoE potential of Legion back.

I would delete all sound effects introduced in Legion, they are terrible. Templars verdict sounds like when you are hitting a big door. I would use the FInal veredict sound effect all the way.

BFA versions didnt bring anything good to ret paladins to be honest, maybe some traits? pvp talents?


The single most annoying thing since Legion: the new Judgment sound
boi-oi-oing. Together with the added travel time of the hammer
how many times did I fail to hit a low-health rare before he fell because of the damn travel time? Must be in the hundreds.

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W/e they do pls just bring back Long Arm/Emancipate with a shorter judge cd. This whole wheelchair mode is a complete dogcrap gameplay experience.


Ever DPS spec in the game is a builder spender, even mages build procs and spend them. The only class with a resource that “slowly” builds is hunter focus, energy for rogues, monk and feral are all basically there so the generators don’t have CD’s but it limits how much you can generate.

I could see holy power regaining out of combat, that would be interesting. More so if they’re going to leave inquisition as a talent or made baseline being able to activate it outside combat for free would help from being bogged down.

Personally, WoD was the best we had since Wrath. The issue I see is that the spec spends it’s time building 3/4 of the time and when it spends it’s lack luster. Divine Storm doesn’t feel meaty like Eye Beam, Fist of Fury or even Whirlwind. Either they need to take us more back to WoD or look forward and make the spec build less and spend more.

They want Hammer of Wrath to be baseline, alright let’s think about that. I would maybe make CS have no cd and give two HolyP. Just remove Blade of Justice from the game. Judgement can still up the damage of the next spender and maybe give 2-4 HolyP. Then HoW can be a spender instead of a generator that hits like a truck as a execute, maybe have a random proc to let you use it out of the execute window. There’s a million different things you could do. In WoD everything felt like it hit for around the same damage because of the mastery so it all felt good. In Legion/BfA it feels like you’re constantly building to


True. A small reason I never 100% like WoW classes. But oh well.

The regaining HolyPower out of combat would gives better early burst at start of “some” combat. They could even replace Retribution. Yes, I know it a powerful passive but the point is not to die and if no one in your party dies, then Retribution is pointless.

That passive is just stupid and should be removed. The out of combat casting of inquisition could be very useful since it up’s out haste and makes the spec flow better. Even if inquisition is gone it would be nice to open on a mob and not spend a long time building to nothing.

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I think Paladins were at their best when the gameplay was a bit slower and more methodical, and hits felt heavier and dealt more damage. One consequence of the Holy Power system is that Crusader Strike hits like a wet noodle now, which I’ve never been cool with.

I think, ideally, I’d want Holy Power switched with something actually unique, and I’d definitely want the Seal system to return. Maybe Seal Twisting as well, that was kinda cool. I just like Seals in general. Also remove Inquisition, it’s just a braindead buff.


Crusader strike used to do some good damage in WoD when mastery use to make it do extra damage as holy damage.

Yes it’s is braindead but so was many of the seals. Seals would be fun to come back but I don’t know how they would work anymore. Mana is only an issue for healers so a seal of wisdom would be useless, a healing seal such as light would work but any DPS seals would just be set and forget based on which seal is the best.

Maybe if they redid the whole rotation like removing BoJ and making divine storm have a cd again then they could have something like a seal that makes all our single target abilities cleave for a %. Thus a seal for ST, seal for AoE, and seal for passive healing.

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also, back in BC Crusader strike used to do very good dmg, but it has a 6 second CD.

I would like to have Seals Back but for every sitaution. for St, for AoE, for PvP.

Wrong. Crusader strike had always been 4.5sec.

The 6sec cd was judgement. And due to blizzard doing the most stupid stuff ever along with the 12sec cd judgement in legion that they buffed to 10sec early legion release. And even thats still way too long.

This is a post in wowhead, I cant insert links here for some reason, but if you google “Crusader Strike now has a 4 secs, CD” you will find it

Crusader strike CD was changed back in Patch 3.2:

"By Imdope2 [on 2009/06/27 at 4:58 AM](Patch 3.1.3)

Well look here i was deciding to make a druid or pally and before i make the pally i looked at the nerfs it was goin to get
and i saw crusader strikes change in 3.2 gives it 75% damage done with 4 sec cd
so i made this assumption

75% weapon dmg =4 sec CD patch 3.2
110%weapon dmg=6 sec CD now

if you multiply till u get to the point where its been 24 secs

75x6=450%dmg in 24 secs with crusader strike in 3.2
110x4=440%dmg in 24 secs with crusader strike currently

so im guessin this will slightly be better overall ? but lose burst slightly i guess? any opinions o.O i havent made my alt yet still thinkin between the two"

The origina ability, had a 6 second CD, and it used to do a 110% weapon damage. And even in the very beggining it used to have a holy dmg effect, but that was taken out from the game. This was the description and it was on the game until patch 3.2:

"Crusader Strike

8% of base mana 5 yd range

Instant 6sec cooldown

An instant strike that causes 110% weapon damage and refreshes all Judgements on the target."

you can check the description by google: ‘crusader strike burning crusade’ expansion that introduced the ability.

My bad then, it was 6sec in tbc. Became 4sec on wotlk when ret finally became a true spec and 4.5sec during cata-legion because it generated a holy power and then became 6sec in bfa again for no other reason than creating gaps

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It never did extra damage to undead. It healed allies in Wrath, and then there’s Holy Wrath which stunned and Exorcism which always crit’d undead.

Weren’t we starved of holy power in Cata? I remember everyone ran in Dragon soul tier sets in PvP because it gave judgment holy power generation. It was vastly improved in MoP.

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That’s why i said i would take cata as a base and then add mop 5 holy power cap + every ability generating holy power (cs, exo, judgement, how)


I don’t really understand why everyone is so hung up about seals, the last time seals were actually good was Wrath, Seal of the Martyr/Blood was insane, if I can’t have that then seals can bite the dust, the same with auras, they are literal hot garbage. I’d take Legion if I had to choose an expansion, I loved Divine Hammer before nerf, and Judgment cleave was amazing, followed by Wrath/Cata/Mists, Vanilla and WoD can go jump off a cliff together. I never hated my Paladin more than WoD up until HFC.

Edit: I just wanna say I didn’t enjoy Legion mastery, it was clunky and that’s the only bad thing about Legion Ret.