Your Headcanon

Ye speak tha truth, lad. I saw a wee void elf lass put down a massive amount of sausages at Brewfest yesterday. I’m convinced she was tossin em to tha void!


Gilnean accents vary depending on what part of Gilneas they’re from. City is more English, Farmland is more Irish, Highlands are more Scottish, Seaside is more Welsh.


My headcanon is that Draenei eat crystals.

Velves are posh, Belves are fat and nasty confirmed.

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Does that also remain true for other areas? Cause I might need to do some research.

These forums are filled with head canon.

You were watching an elven maiden downing sausages while doubtlessly more hammered than wrought iron and THAT’S what you thought? Really? I doubt it.

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Which in turn is why I can cast spells and not be interrupted.

We’re so light.

The reason Garrosh was not corrupted or influenced by Y’Shaarj was not because of his willpower but that he was already where Y’Shaarj needed him to be mentally.

Sylvanas died during Wrath and the being that is currently occupying her body is actually Millhouse Manastorm, who is actually a void lord but it’s all good because Millicent Manastorm will rally us against him, save us all and allow Sylvanas her almost honorable death at the end of Wrath. At the end of all this the Foresaken are so confused they decide to open a small commune and grow organic pineapples.


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Yet they still have no clue where to eat !

When are they going to give him a VU for God sake? He looks so jarring next to the Kirin Tor in Dalaran.

when illidan gets ressurected at the end of the nighthold raid off-screen he looks around for a minute confused. then sees theres people around and hes like “oh heck i need to look cool to these guys i mean look one of them has ashbringer!” and he just killed gul-dan and came up with the speech on the spot

My headcanon is like there should only be a few hundred voidelves at most but this game makes it like theres thousands


Muradin is secretly married to my dwarf pally :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Errr, something less dorky: even the Kul Tirans with skinny models and regular human models are taller and broader (in the non-skinny cases) than their Stormwind counterparts.

Skyguard Khatie and Millhouse Manastorm were an item.

Wait … that’s actual canon!

DK’s aren’t evil, but Paladins are.

In my head cannon, my health stones taste like sour apple hard candy with a gooey center.

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I don’t, um, i don’t have a cannon in my head. Perhaps the other end :slight_smile:

My head canon is that Azeroth is the size of south america, lordaeron’s north america, northewne is anartica size, kalimdor pandaria is fhe size of austraila, kul tiras the size of the uk, zandalari the size of japan.