I’m honestly confused. Are you implying the best team in the BG shouldn’t win the game? Equal wins even for the baddies who refuse to learn how to play?
Queue with a team.
If only we got something resembling Vanilla, that would have been great.
We did get something resembling vanilla. It’s definitely not vanilla, that’s not possible with the playerbase knowledge, the server sizes (f you blizzard) and the legion client. But we got something that resembles vanilla, it’s just not vanilla. That’s not possible.
It’s only a matter of time before the ban hammer comes to premades in AB and WSG… It happened in AV! BETTER GET THAT RANK 14 FAST CUZ IT’S COMING LOL! tick tock <3
Pug stomping doesn’t make you good. You aren’t training for nationals here. If you wanna pretend to be a tryhard, you should be up against other premade compositions.
Game plays fine for me. Maybe it’s your computer?
You shouldn’t play a game you don’t like. I agree - that’s wasting your time.
This is NOT a good game for 2020. It is not SUPPOSED to be. It is a copy of 2005 game, NOT IMPROVED and NOT UPDATED. Why? That is what PLAYERS demanded, and what Blizzard supplied. Those players did not WANT “Blizzards improvements”.
Blizzard won’t improve Classic – Blizzard already did that, years ago. But some players prefer the old game. Don’t ask me why. If you aren’t one of those players, don’t play this game. Blizzard is not offering “the game you want”. That isn’t an option.
I agree with the OP.
The people here stating it’s perfectly fine to have premades vs pugs are the ones that are actively steamrolling in a premade all day long. Doesnt take too much to figure that out.
Premades are afraid of other premades - that is why they actively scout and dodge other premades in queue.
Most of the premade community want to steamroll and win bgs as fast as possible - and that is unlikely to happen if they are forced to vs a group as organised as them - on voice chat and have class compositions that suit the map and compliment their overall finesse well.
It’s pathetic really - in lamens premade group is saying “NO! DON"T FORCE US TO VS AN EQUALLY STACKED BATTLE!!! PLEASE NO! WE WON"T WIN THAT WAY!!!”
Premade vs premade only.
Pug vs pug.
Git gud premaders.
I’ll defend premade vs pug. I’m done ranking, although I still have friends and guildies actively ranking.
Premade vs premade is fun. Often the other premade gives up. Sometimes we stomp the other premade and sometimes the other premade stomps us. The best games are against the equally matched teams who want to fight. Those are really good, enjoyable games. Most games are against premades anyway in one form or another, at least early in the week, for horde.
Premade vs pug is boring for the most part but it’s part of the game so it’s fine.
Would you be opposed to premade vs premade only BGs?
It wouldn’t be a problem if premades didn’t actively hunt pugs to stomp. If pugs saw premades every once in awhile it wouldn’t be an issue but when 90+% of your games are against premades there’s no reason to bother.
I’m not opposed to the premade vs premade queue idea.
My only concern is the HPH being better in PUGs only, and ranking going back a meta of solo queuing like when all horde were solo queing in AV (which I personally hated). Nobody ran WSG then even though it was there. I think grouping is a good thing, and I like PVPing with others and I think there should be encouragement for grouping with others.
Other than that I’m fine with and would actually prefer a premade vs premade queue for the gameplay since I think it’s a lot better and yes that would be better for people who like pugs as well. Now that I’m done ranking it would certainly be more fun for me. I don’t need honor I just want a good fight.
I wish there were some data to show what would be the meta
I just hate trying to herd cats, dude.
That isn’t why I play the game.
End up sitting for 50+ minutes for a 10 minute queue because players keep leaving or disconnecting or what-have-you; and I’m literally just trying to get down on some netflix while I wait.
You know? like…
Bring the game to me, and I will play it – why make that process 6x more frustrating than it has to be.
the stupid thing is, this is a good question.
It’s likely that the premade community would evaporate as soon as they are made to vs other premades only.
My guess is the statements from them would be like :
“No point in premading now - versing other premades is too hard and too slow”
"WHAT!? The game is broken now blizzard!!! I unsubbed! I can’t get rank 14 anymore :’( "
I had to stop playing classic because I just wanted to casual bg. I hate to agree with a rant like this, but he/she’s definitely correct.
I would have to disagree because I truly believe there are rankers out there who do it for the thrill. A premade vs premade queue would bring light to the real skilled players and the best of the best. Rank 14 before would be meaningless
I’m very close to your case here. I literally just bought a bunch of games to play on steam shortly after reaching level 60 on my mage and playing 30 or so bgs - 90% of them was vs a premade while group i was in pug.
There would still be some premade groups in the way you describe for sure - the true talent that is willing and wants a challenge.
What I mean is most of the premade community are doing it for reasons :
- need unfair advantage
- ranking up as fast as possible
- rubbish at pvp so stacked cards in favour (ie premade)
- likes winning only, losing is not about learning - it just sucks!
Sadly most of the premade community is defending the rhetoric for stomping easy wins. And that is the sad, pathetic mindset premade vs pug brings to the table.
Premade vs premade = challenge, fun and deserving for more attention.
Premade vs pug = absolute joke, antiquated and for people who like to start a running race three blocks ahead of the other contenders - pathetic.