Your favorite mount?

My favorite is the Ghostly Charger. I’ll never get it though :’( because I’ll either have to shell out $300 or get super duper lucky and find it in the card game.

The card game ended in 2013.

Oh. I never played it anyway. But even so, i’ll still never get it, lol.

I cycle between Nighthowl, black war tiger, and black war wolf. I just looked at my collection and discovered I have stuff I didn’t realize I’d picked up. I probably misread it as a pet, added it and moved on. Making “oblivious” my favorite mount.

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My fav mount is the Headless Horseman’s mount. It’s a black horse, just like my mare, IRL. I joke that they both have the devil eyes and flaming hooves. :grin:

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I just want a high rez Black War Wolf, and no the vicious one doesn’t count.

Also, why do all the Honor level mounts have to be recolored pointy horses?

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If they aren’t flying mounts then I honestly prefer smaller ground mounts. My collection of mounts isn’t that large maybe 20, 25. I currently use the Silverpelt from Draneor for easy navigation. It also just feels like a monk mount

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The choppa!

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Class mount.

Best mount.

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Warlocks and Paladins do have amazing mounts.

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Amani War Bear.

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there are 4 “best mounts” in the game atm.

Dreadsteed and the 3 wrathsteeds.

Warlocks have had best mounts since day 1 of vanilla v_v

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The Depleted Kyparium Rocket. All Day.

I’m SO close. 3 more Living Steel transmutes, and 3 more days of farming Songbells on my two goblins. /rubs hands together

Edited to add: and you bet your sweet animated heiney, I will use it as a ground mount until Pathfinder 2 lets it fly in BfA. I might never dismount once I get my rocket.

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Myself! Although officially, do not count as a mount!:wolf:

Once I get the Hivemind, that.

I still wish group members could ride on Worgens using running wild xD

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AHAHAHA! We could even ask for an achievement for this.

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Korkron juggernaut easily. A mechanical scorpion with a spinning blade and missile launcher. Thing is just pure awesome.

Travel Form… Does that count?

If it has to be a mount, then Tyrael’s Charger.