Your favorite mount?

Now I have this imagine of the Llothien Prowler with moccasins on trying to water walk… Thanks


Shu-zen or my Ratstallion. Hard to pick.

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I really like my Jeweled Panthers, they work as ground or flying and they’re fairly compact. I love my Ashes but his lack of feet bothers me.


I’ll have to sub divide answer…

Flying - X-53 Nether Rocket X-Treme, the 2 seat rocket reward from going through the h-e-double-hockey-sticks that the original Recruit-A-Friend process was. I like this mount because most of the time I team up with a friend and it’s nice having a small two player mount (I’m looking at you big ole’ dragon two player mount) to zip around flying zones.

The two seat chopper for ground only zones, for the same reason, it’s nice to be able to let my friend jump in the sidecar and off we go… I get tired of the BfA bug/feature where only the sidecar rider gets aggro – because when I’m riding with that same friend and have to ride shotgun in the sidecar, I’m constantly being slammed by aggro monsters, and my friend has an (intentional) knack for running right through packs of aggro monsters.

And finally, my new favorite ground mount - the majestic Ratstallion! It took me forever and a day to earn this horrific looking sewer dweller (mainly because my PvP days are in the rear view mirror) – every time I gated to Legion Dalaran I’d look for the faint, ghosted exclamation point which meant the pesky little gobbo girl was up in the sewers with the 150 Sightless Eye reward quest. Do the math – 20,000 sightless eyes divided by 150 per quest. Now, Chachi the Troll Rogue rides around Azeroth and BfA on the back of a vicious looking gigantic rat. Good times (except for that “taking forever to earn” part of it ).

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The Grinning Reaver. Ever since I purchased it long before they planned to put it away it has been my favourite. Small and easy to navigate through tight areas, something some of you would be quite used to.

But seriously, the larger mounts get stuck too easy unless you are out in the open, plus I love how the reaver walks and bobs around when standing still.


The flying disc from pandaria

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I find myself using the Swift Zulian Panther quite often.

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That horse is beautiful. I can’t wait until I finally get it.

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All my mounts are precious to me. They all gave me +1.

Must… get… more…

Ok really the jeweled panthers and the Grove Warden is my favorite. They look amazing, they fly and they don’t have annoying flappy wings.

However, I’m a giant hypocrite because I use Invincible on Tovi. He’s the DK class mount that should have been.


I have 3!

Hearthsteed - All Purpose (ground and flying)
Crimson Water Strider - Water walking
Rivendare’s Deathcharger - Dropped the first time I went to farm (very rare)

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Probably the hellfire infernal. Though proto-drakes are my favorite mount model, so really any of them I guess.

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I have a lot of favorites, I think at this moment I would say the alliance air ship from blizzcon is my favorite next to my nether rocket. Ashes of alar and the constellation dragon from mist gets honorable mentions, oh an the fire bird from Firelands.

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Current favorites:

  • Enchanted Fey Dragon
  • Mimiron’s Head
  • Darkmoon Rocket (because I just got it and new and shiny)


  • Ultramarine Qiraji Battle Tank (over 500 Tol’vir solves now agghhhhh)
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Favorite of all time? The Malevolent Gladiator’s Cloud Serpent from season 12. Still kick myself for not pushing in that season.

Favorite that I have myself? This one, from getting gladiator in season 9, Vicious Gladiator’s Twilight Drake:

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What mounts I use depends on my current mog. Right now I’m running Aboriginal recolor cloth, and my mounts are the Swift orange raptor, and the blue pterrodax mount.

When I’m identifying as a holy priest I’ll ride my Snowfeather falcosaur, and albino drake.

When I’m identifying as a fire mage, I’ll ride my warlock class mount, and my corrupted Firehawk.

When I’m feeling… You get the idea.

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Headless Horseman Mount


I’ll probably get hate for this but I’m really loving the new Vulpine Familiar from the store. It’s a gorgeous and well-designed mount.


Who are you all kidding. We’re all rolling around on water striders.


That’s a really nice transmog btw @ Vyline. I’ll be remembering that one.

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The scorpion from mop. Love that thing.

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