Your character's final words

Humorous Death Last Words…

“No, no, don’t worry, every time I die there’s always some powerful being which brings me back for some greater purpose. I’ll be just fine.”

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"There was no mail today, either? Okay.


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“Hey, check this out! I can totally jump that far…”

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“How much you wanna bet I can boop this dude and steal his girl?”


Alice: What are you gonna do about it, Lightboy? Purge me? (Velf)
Edward: Oh not this rubbish again. (Forsaken)
Log’har: Honey… I’m coming… (Mag’har)
Kane: You’re no fun… (Human)
Lillithra: Just a scratch. (Belf DH)
Stephen: This is where the fun begins… (Human DK)
Jason: Soulstone baby! (Velf Lock)

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“What are you gonna do? Stab me?”


“I’d say your booty is mine but I already took your wife’s last night.”


“Shoulda known better than to roll on Classic…”


If this was an IC thing, Versca would be going over each corpse and based on their final words decide if they’re good fit to be resurrected actually just kidding these are all great you will all serve the dark lady in death have a great day :+1::skull::sparkles:

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I actually did kill a character recently, and I think she had a fitting end, though lacking in “final words”.

Back in the world, Aelsa’Mori Mystfire, Teilaya Sangryn, had died,there was no fanfare in this end. There was no heroic story for the bards to tell. No, it was dark and quiet, and painful, and she was alone; her dreaming mind thinking of one thing; freedom. Being free on some golden beach in the South Seas, Vor’rinar at her side, piles of gold behind them. Nowhere to be found by Silvermoon’s authorities. No way to make her pay for her crimes. Happiness finally.

But in her freedom, she realized the falsity of her life. Her love. There would be no more sweet embraces, no more smiles and laughing. There was no beach of golden sand and crystal clear waters on some private island to serve as her home in retirement. As she exhaled behind a closed eye the last light in her last eye dimmed to nothing but darkness.

She only wanted to be free, to soar on the raven’s wings. But she had gone too far, her soul had become far too lost. She followed the snake, who no longer spoke to her. She was alone. She was free.

Freedom found, grace denied.

Final portion of a larger write up.

“Hey, wait a minute, now that I’m a worgen do my human years get converted into dog years or-”

“I should’ve kept that divorce.”

“Thero… I’m coming home.” (if peaceful)
“Get on with it then. My friends will mourn. Yours will be buried along with you.” (if about to be killed)

At least… that’s what Yuri would plan to say in those situations. She would want to see her lost brother in the next life for sure. If she was to be killed somehow, she’s got several people who would be badly hurt by her loss. The sorts of people who have the gold to put up a huge bounty, the skills to hunt the killer down, or both.

All depends upon circumstances.

I assume loud squawking or them babbling off about the sun saving them.

As a serious answer, Huatar’s vow to his mate was ‘now, and until the end of time.’ He died on Draenor, fighting against the Iron Horde. His last words were to his mate, ‘until the end of time.’

It was actually heart-wrenching for me going through with that.

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Nothing …




I go now to be with the emperor of mankind. And to join… Him… in…his eternal crusade… Against enemies of the…imperium…

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My demise accomplishes nothing! The master will have you! You will drown in your own blood! The world shall burn! Aaaghh!


There is no escape… not in this life… not in the next… Ag ma w’ssh…

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