Just imagine if you had actually been depressed!
I’m not seriously bummed, but there are a couple things that spring to mind…
- I didn’t work through all alts to get the legendary skins in Legion, especially were-bear. I tried a couple times on my alt druid but wasn’t geared/good enough, to do it. I did get on my main, an affliction lock and that was tough, but glad I did it.
- Missed out on that cool Horde blimp mount from buying an online Blizzcon ticket a few years ago. I just couldn’t justify paying real money at the time, for a mount (since I didn’t really care about Blizzcon).
Not unsubbing sooner…I have 3 days left
Regret not forcing the issue and getting ashkandi 2.0 in Cataclysm because the fury warrior had a green two-hander and it would’ve been a bigger deal for him than I as a tank. So I was nice and passed on it “It’ll drop again, no worries” was a guild run, never saw it drop again til I already had the mace from bastion.
I have since adjusted and become just a tad more selfish.
Two regrets. I started playing a little after WoTLK and was always jealous that I wasn’t around for the pre-launch event to get the little ghost to follow me around. I never realized until the SL pre-launch that this effect was from some grey item that you could have bought cheaply back then.
The other was that my guild in Cata organized a Herald of the Titans Algalon run (at the time you can get the title regardless of your level as long as your iLvl didn’t exceed a certain level). Didn’t care about the title at the time so I sat out even though I was online. In retrospect it would have been neat to have.
I got a few.
The most character dependent one not getting Werebear appearances in Legion. My guild just didn’t need another druid, and I didn’t have a ton of time, got a couple other Mage Tower appearances for characters I was actively playing though.
My biggest in game regret.
Not appreciating Emerald Dream for what it was while it was. I loved ED, got involved in the old location based wpvp-rp, and had an absolute blast, that I’ve never replicated in game.
I just always assumed it would be that way, and then sharding/phasing and warmode hit, and it’s gone. Still have a few good fights every once in a while on my alts over there but it’s not the same, when its just randoms from other servers.
Most personal regret.
I used to play on Duskwood, still remember reading the following thread one day. Still makes me sad, even if I couldn’t have made a difference, I wish I would’ve enjoyed our time together more. Almost all of my old raid sheningan stories are together.
RIP Mguy - Forums - World of Warcraft (archive.org)
Gosh so much….
Not basking in MoP Warlock even more when it was around. I was innocent and clueless and never thought it would be taken away as it was.
Wasting earlier years on LoL when I could have been enjoying WoW during its prime.
Yea same kinda, i had the 5 mill then i was like well for 5 mill i can walk to the AH lmao
- Not being around for forum blues
- Not being around for active GMs
- Not being able to go to a Blizz Con
- Not buying in 2004
- Not being able to make friends easily
Engaging in the doom & gloom wow forums
Having a job. /sarc
In Vanilla I had a Grand Marshal Rogue that I was reckless with (I was 16, gimme a break) and ended up getting it banned in BC permanently. I would give anything to have that character back and while I’ve enjoyed the game all these years it’s never felt right without my character that I was most connected with. I really wish I had it back.
Taking a break during shadowlands elitists agenda.
Got curious about WoW during legion after not playing since original launch. Tried a dh out for a few days then never logged back on. Had I known about mage tower weapons etc it may have pushed me to stick it out and try for those. Cause now I regret not having them.
Getting caught in some feelings for an old guild leader that i helped found a guild with.
coming back/staying.
that day of quitting for good is coming though. im just waiting for my daughter to get a little older. plan to just spend as much time as i got with my gf and our daughter. go out do fun things, take trips, etc…
Buying a second account after my first one got banned.
My sub runs out soon, and I do not miss WoW in the slightest.
FF is much more my speed nowadays.
Quitting for a long time and starting a new account to come back. Somewhere in between my account was yoinked, all the characters deleted except the hunter and then used to bot farm gold.
I’ve never used anything 3rd party that would jeopardize the account or given away account information, but it still got yoinked between Cata and the end of BFA when I came back.
Some time in WoD an old friend mentioned they came back and saw my hunter running around outside Org mining copper
Not playing in legion
Getting suckered into paying for a game that isn’t fun anymore