Your biggest wow regret?

Not quitting it for good post Legion.


No regerts, I only move forward


Not killing that dwarf NPC in mists and losing out on the cape, agreeing to take a small break during warlords and ending up losing out on my ring, not getting my guild’s help obtaining Shadowmourne for my DK in Wrath or cata era when I still had a guild of people who cared enough to offer help. Funny…all my regrets in game involve legendary items…

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Getting hooked on WOW and not having a real life.


Using Yahoo mail and losing my old WoW account because Yahoo is incompetent.

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I used to say it was not getting the Grove Warden, but nowadays I think I regret more not getting ‘%, of the Black Harvest’.

I tried, I just didnt actually give it a proper attempt.

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Not playing more even when I was playing earlier (early ‘05 sub start date)

Not learning to play holy pally in 8.3 to finish my last essence for azeroth’s champion.

Not playing in SL (even tho I got the relatively easy hero of fate and Veilstrider titles) cause I was overworked and had sour grapes from not getting azeroth’s champion.

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Is that recent? Cause I’ve had issues trying to use it since mid April (I get day long lockouts), since they did some crap. Probably has to do with how they’re handling ATT accounts.

I thought to myself why would I need a mount auction house there is one in the city. I regretted that decision.

Not being able to play 90% of Mists of Pandaria expansion due to being in hospital :frowning:

I remembered how embarrassing/annoying it was to even ask for a yak during legion. Promised myself to not let that happen again for the bruto.

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Nah this was like 9 years ago when Yahoo was still somewhat relevant.

The fact that i have so much stuff achieved on a character that i will probably never play seriously ever again.

If class change was a service there wouldnt have been a problem. But even if they introduced it now, it wouldnt help as i would still have to catch up on all that ive achieved on my current (and hopefully forever) main.

So yeah, not finding the right class to main when i started the game. Thousands of hours of effort locked away on a character i no longer hold any love for.

Since I am an auction house gambler I saw the need for it right away. Sorry, you didn’t get one and I feel they should put it back on the vendor for 5 million again.

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Not doing the pre-BC event way back when. I just didn’t really look into it, and went back to farming skins to vendor because I STILL hadn’t figured out quite how to use the AH yet.

Missing MOPs challenge mode and Mage Tower

I should have stopped playing after wotlk…

Just make sure you aren’t missing out on this one! The Dragonflying world quests can be like 100k per week if you do them on 20 characters!

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Not being there from the very beginning of World of Warcraft when it first came out.

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Wish I would have started doing endgame content sooner. Wish I actually played during Legion and BfA. Wish I could have had this account from the beginning. Though the last one was entirely out of my control.

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