Your application to +8 has been declined

If you’re talking for this dk it’s because it was a last second reroll with 0 previous exp. If you’re talking druid my play was about as perfect as you can be since I mained it for numerous tiers and played at a high level. Not giving excuses but adding context since you’re giving a very brief overview,

I am pretty much struggling to get into a group and my lock is 2440 ilvl and can able get into a 10+. right now as I am queing into a group all I see here is this.

Either M+ need to change or just retired.

I don’t get it, because you rolled DK means you don’t prevent incoming avoidable damage and don’t bother to interrupt? What you are doing in m+ to begin with? Try leveling a class instead of boosting a character or whatever you did.

Why would anyone invite a 2440 IO into a +10? Your score is way too low to be competitive.

Your score is too low and you are competing against DK, Enh, Sin Rogue, Ret and Frost Mage. These classes/specs makes keys alot easier. The key depletion is toxic and very encourage to the keyholders to be very picky with what they take.

This week affix need dispel. As a healer, In my key, I will only accept at most 1 player who can’t dispel. If join other group, I will check who can’t dispel. If more than 1 dps can’t dispel, I will leave the group. My dispel and healing is so precious for mechanic. There are groups that all tank and dps can’t dispel, don know why the key holder form that group in week that need dispel.

Just timed a 10 COT, the average person signing up was at my ilvl to as high as 636…

If I wasn’t a healer or a shaman definitely would have been declined. It’s never easy to get in and average IO was 2450 and higher.

And the shame was a fair number of them had 10 COT timed already but competition is really, really high and nobody wants their key depleted so people are picky.

Even then you might not get results either. For that timed COT had a two other failed ones this week.

It doesn’t actually need a dispel though. The classes without dispels can also just press their healing CDs to get rid of it. (eg Warlock HS, Rogue Vial)

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You need to use your own key as a solo DPS.

I have timed five 9s and two 10s and only one 8. I been trying to raise my SV 8 to 9 even I can’t get into that group. Sad part that one time I was in 9 SV and about to hit to last boss and healer was being very toxic to the tank and caused him to rage quit. Sad part is we could timed and that healer cost us the key. your point is my IO is too low for ten and all know that BS excuse because my lock is not part of meta group. I am just simply not allowed push level keys and I am not only one who feeling this.

I don’t find that to be fair with those classes to instance inv and something blizzards needs to do other wise it just favoritism.

If you remove key depletion, you see more players do keys with pugs without fearing downgrading their key if they failed to time it or a player rage quit. Both Key depletion and Challenger’s peril is what hurting Mythic+ and if Blizzard can’t address this problem, they’re going to lose players who actually enjoy doing M+.

Problem with locks they do have a dispel if they played Destro and Aff , but you also need some interrupts. so they’re in odd spot.

I get you, if people don’t do what they’re suppose to do you’re wasting your time. We are this point now its harder get into group because party leader wanted someone with high experiences.

all last night after my last post on here that’s what I been doing and no tank had shown up and with folks.

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From my experience and as well as my own practices most actual good groups check logs. Tbh if you dont have at least oranges after the 2nd or 3rd week for heroic I wouldn’t take that dps unless their main was well over 3k for even something as easy as 12s.

There really aren’t any imaginary goal posts.

His point isn’t that your ilvl is “too low”. His point is just that there are people in the same queue with much higher IO than you. So why would anyone pick you over them?

You could always turn into a BDK and most groups w/o a tank will love you.

That’s where I was at with all timed 9s.


You realize that 2600+ players are applying to the same +10 keys for easy vault right? Again, why would they take you over them?

This post screams you have never ran your own key. Once you have a tank/healer in the group, like 15-25 dps instantly que up, its insane. Most overgeared for the content.

Things are actually hard and people refuse to learn anything that “isn’t their job.” Damage should only damage, right? That means I can stand in fire, not interrupt, use defensives, or dispel anything, right?

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I did exactly this as well, and the Ret + Enh combo I invited didn’t even bother to self cleanse once lol. Exactly the reason why I will always invite higher IO players because at least the risk of people not doing basic mechanics is lower (hopefully…)