You'll hotfix WSG but you won't even comment on this

If servers were not cross realm, you would not have instant queues. Keep that in mind.

Lol much like you guys blame Blizzard for everything and nothing is your fault.

Reroll if you want premades or short queues.

Our queues would’ve been 10-15 min, and Horde would’ve been at least 45-1hr. This is straight from Vanilla experience. Not sure what your point is here… because these queues were known 12-15 years ago.

Not on Grobb. Heartseeker Alliance would have the one hour queues. A few other small pvp servers would see higher Alliance queues, like Deviate Delight.
Many others would be less than 10 minutes for Horde and instant for Alliance. A handful of servers would have alliance as instant and horde with close to an hour, but those servers are the ones who deserve it.

have some dignity and stop crying about a problem that you all brought upon yourselves, or maybe this sounds familiar : gid gud, reroll, gOtOrEtAiL or quit :smiley:

I don’t mind long queues, or the fact Ally can pre made and we can’t

What is killing me is the inability to play with people I know. At any given time 10+ Guildies are in AV and we can’t even play together. We wanted Classic to get away from stuff in MMOs, not make it so powerful it’s our only option.

Seems a bit bias to say who deserves what, and that you’ll be fine if you benefit from it. Not sure you’re going about this with everyone’s interest in mind.

Neither are you.

It’s 40 v 40 bubba. That’s a lot more even that P2. Could you land at tp? It was a known fact on Grobb alliance that you didn’t land at TP since the corpse run from nigels was easier.

We could, then do the GY run. Supposedly running from Kargath to BRM was fastest, but neither way was ideal. However, TP was better because a straight shot. When you ran from Kargath and died, you’d be ressed at TP gy and have to ghost run around the middle.

In what way? I don’t care one way or another if Blizzard decides to address premades. I’m merely pointing out the facts.

  1. These q times aren’t a surprise.
  2. Alliance premades are relatively small, compared to the pool of players available.
  3. Alliance lose more games than we win, when not in premades (which is often).
  4. Alliance also suffers from Premades cancelling qs. So acting like Alliance has some extreme advantage is a bias.

EDIT: 5) Expecting a major overhaul of the q’ing system, or some kind of major change, to a system that was already in place many years ago, is not likely going to happen. That’s how Retail was developed…

Woah I didn’t know adding a 5 man party queue system was some major overhaul.

If you knew anything about coding/programming/development, you’ll know that it is a big change in the way the current system works, and requires a large amount of testing to ensure exploits aren’t rampant.

As you can see, in the current iteration, there are tons of bugs and exploits that are still currently being addressed. Your Q request isn’t going to be top of their list.

This is coming from someone who used to be a developer in various projects.

I’d be really surprised if they somehow “fixed” hordes queue times with some retail merc mode which would be extremely unfair with the way honor ranking works.
I wouldn’t be surprised if they cash grabbed factions which wouldn’t solve anything. Lots of allies would go horde.

We’ll see. Some people think they cave to Horde.

I’m just being realistic on what it takes. With BWL and moon festival incoming, there’s plenty on their plate, and this Q request/fix detracts from #NoChanges.

You can argue there are “changes” already, but most of the changes have been a combination of what has already been implemented in future “Vanilla” patches, and fixing bugs/glitches/exploits (and adding other unintended bugs). Not a complete change of a basic Function that never occurred in Vanilla.

Again, we’ll see.

Only thing they need to fix is the mediocre players who abused the WSG queue hop to take a major rank penalty or start over from scratch. Blizzard are you too scared that the babys%#@ soft talentless twitch streamers who abused this would quit? Why do you care? If they were so “good at the game” like a lot of them love to tell themselves, than this would only be a “minor setback”. Most of them are going to play your garbage expansion coming out so fix the NOW problem of these people queue exploiting. Their has been plenty of documentation of clips and vods of these clowns abusing their twitch fan clubs and other guildies for their exploitive gain. How bout solve the problem?

You literally took a month off because while on a balanced realm you were so upset by P2.

Your “known fact” is exactly opposite of what the reality was. Had you not taken a month off to recuperrate your delicate mind’s PSD, you would have seen first hand that alliance overwhelmingly owned TP. So much so that the chokepoint from Kargath was hotly contested nearly 24/7. You would have also witnessed BRM changing hands from alliance to horde to alliance throughout the days.

You would have know this all, had you not scampered off at the first sign of pvp on a pvp server, which was balanced if not slightly alliance favored on Grobbulus.

You had the most even, level, healthy WPVP experience possible, and you chose to run away. Even worse is you coming back to use your pseudo PSD to lobby against a sensible modification to the game that would allow players to play with their friends.

The function existed in vanilla.