You'll hotfix WSG but you won't even comment on this

It definitely hit both factions but not equally. The PVP servers tend to be Horde-leaning, the PVE servers tend to be Alliance-leaning. When world PVP happened it hit the Alliance more, overall, than the Horde and tilted PVP towards the Horde side even more.

Like I said, it’s not the only reason for the faction queue differences but it’s all tied together and feeds off itself.

Not sure what the problem is. You encountered a couple of Premades? Out of over 500 AV games I q solo, maybe only 1 out of every 10 happened to be a premade. So relative to the entire AV q, it really doesn’t happen all that often. The other 9 times, we tend to lose…

Are Horde players really big babies?

Not as inept as you are at realizing that the picture shows the alliance tab

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Yea, the handful of high pop pvp servers leaned heavily to Horde. But, the rest were pretty well balanced.

Geez, hyperbole much?

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Come on, reading is hard

:popcorn: :sunglasses:
Hue hue > zug zug P3

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Which is enough to tip the balance to one side and start it sliding even further. Many Alliance don’t PVP at all, no matter what server they are on and all these factors just increase the strength of that.

You end up with nearly equal numbers of each side in WoW total but a significant imbalance in PVP, especially in BG.

Exploits left and right.

Bots everywhere.

Afk rank climbing.

Can’t play with friends.

WSG irrelevant.

One faction getting a gameplay advantage in a system that was supposed to create level playing field.

Almost none of which was happening in vanilla before AV became meta with 1.12.

… no, i wouldn’t say it’s hyperbole.

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Alliance Q’s on Bonechewer were roughly 7 to 8 min, I heard that the horde Q’s were 15min ish… (Actual Vanilla WoW before CRBG)…

That’s it boys, pack it up. This one Alliance player, who doesn’t join the 30-40 man queues, doesn’t get the few slots open for pugs so therefore Alliance don’t have a Discord of 300-400 players queuing.

Qpon, now were talking about hordes advantage in P2? I’m getting confused.

Correct and why cross realm was a bad choice to begin with, though I did advocate for it from the beginning.

And yet, the servers are still online. Much not have been as monumental as you perceive.

P2 really scarred you, huh. Good thing that phase ended then, right? When does this phase end again? Never? Oh, cool.

If nothing changes and a year from now the same problems are ruining PvP, are you still going to be crying about those 3 weeks of phase 2?

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On grobby, one of, if not THE most balanced server, we had alliance complaining about the WPVP during P2.

You ability for critical thinking seems to be non-existent. You do understand that when I join a non-Pug, that also means the other “39” alliance players also didn’t join a Premade right? So try to do some simple math. If we’re just taking 500 AV games, and only 10% of those are Premade, that makes 450 that aren’t. Now take the other 39 players, per game, that haven’t joined a Premade, and what do you get?

So hard…

I’ll help you out. Assume that you’re right about 300-400 players doing a premade. That’s just 10-15 AV games that are getting Premades, out of like what, 150 AV games available? And out of Thousands of ppl playing? Yeah… still a relatively low number. Really, math is hard?

sounds to me like rerolling could help with all of this

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Pmuch still gonna be shell shocked about it. Took a month break since it was so stupid. I’ve played horde last two expacs and know about queues.

If these forums have taught me anything, it’s that alliance are responsible for nothing and everything bad that happens is the horde’s fault.