But it is the same situation, the faction someone picked has negative consequences. In phase 2 the answer was just to reroll.
Now blizzard could have done something like faction specific queues but they didn’t. Well now the horde is feeling the negative side of being over populated.
And just like there was an answer in phase 2, faction specific queues, there’s an answer now, mercenary mode.
No, it is not remotely the same situation. One is literally a player agreement to specific game mechanic, and the other is due to blizzard incompetence.
And how is that the player’s fault?
There is another answer:
Reopen free transfers to target servers, while at the same time removing CRBGs. But that would cut down on profits, because of the now paid transfer option.
Bottom line: it is in blizzard’s best interest to let the game suffer so that they retain income flow.
Hmm… i don’t think most of the people on faction imbalanced realms agreed to be on a massively imbalanced realm up front. And short of faction queues there is little blizzard can do to ensure realtively even faction balance.
Go ask everyone who opposed the idea and instead said just reroll.
Except CRBG’s solve other issues. And in vanilla before CRBG’s did not force balanced realms so they are hardly a solution.
And you literally agreed to sit in AV queues by stacking the ez mode server. Again- reroll or quit, those are your options, courtesy of Horde tribalist mongrels.
And yet they will not entertain said faction queues.
Yeah, there was a ton if idiot trolls doing that. Anyone with a brain and the desire to discuss in good faith knew the issue existed, and many of us lobbied to force a semblance of balance. DESPITE not necessarily being effected ourselves.
There was never a time in vanilla when all servers had free transfers to balance populations, so not sure where you are going with that. In regard to CRBGs in classic, they could have implemented them, but rather than chucking every freaking region server into the mix, they could have matched relative opposing servers into groups, and left the balanced realms alone. They could have had a queue timer that would allow servers to first draw on their own populations prior to yanking in players from other ones.
Blizzard could have done a number of things to make BGs more community friendly.
They chose to do (once again) what required the least effort on their part, community be damned.
No it is not. Faction imbalance on realms is a player created issue. Players could have evened out factions or not gone so far abusing the less represented faction.
Right so why do you think they will do anything for horde queue times?
None of those solve the issue that if there are ultimately more horde queueing than alliance some people will have queue times.
That is halfway true for the player agreement. They agreed that they could be killed by the other faction even in unfair circumstances, but they were not warned at all of the severity of it. It made the open world literally unplayable for them. If the balance was halfway decent, it wouldn’t have been a problem.
I don’t have a worry about queue times. Like I have said till I am blue in the fingers: I just want to be able to queue with to play with friends in AV.
And everyone in game would have had a better experience gameplay-wise. But again, those were “could haves”. They chose the worst choice.
What number out of all classic PVP servers is a “great many”? Feel free to cite your source. While you are at it, reread what I was replying to.
And that’s fine, no idea why blizzard doesn’t allow 5 mans to queue.
Except none of the options you presented adress that issue that if there are more horde queuing than alliance some horde will have queue time issues.4
We don’t have good sources, all we have is that ad hoc stats that indicate on pvp realms horde are generally more populated and there are more pvp than pve realms and that for some odd reason horde have long queue times.
Exept I was referring to the time people were creating characters upon release of the game. Had the faction queues been in place at that time, those in game would have had the best even gameplay, while those in queues could either remain in queues until a spot opened, just like they would if they were over the server cap, or they could have rolled the other faction.
Except that wouldn’t have helped. Blizzard could have controlled to some degree how many characters were created on each faction but they could not have forced them to stay active.
What strawman are you attempting to build now? I was not suggesting a restriction on character creation but simply ratio queues to enter the actual server. This was literally proven to work on PSs.
You figured out out. Most of the alliance “pre-mades” aren’t premade at all, but rather discord groups coordinating strategy and voice coms. The horde can do this too, but they don’t