You Want to Know Why I'm Quitting?

I like all the clever people who came in, just to say no. Not interested in knowing why thank you!

Yeah, that’s why I made the title that way. You are the same, and lack imagination. But I knew you’d come! Thank you!


The people on the forums don’t know you. Why on earth would we want to know why? Why would we follow you in leaving? And I think that right there really damaged your post.

You aren’t some kind of spiritual leader. People won’t quit wow because you told them to (thankfully the average player has more brains than that).

Just quit and leave. And we will see you in a few weeks/months.


Well, that word will get you a forum ban, if you care. I mean you’re quitting the game and these forums are dying, so does it really matter?

The thing is, people are generally doing the same thing OP is, but of their own accord. We see these “I quit” threads dying down, and it’s not because BfA is getting better, it’s because people are actually done with the game and the forums.


“Guys. The devs lack creativity in their class design. And this is why every single dps should go back to using mana.”

Makes sense.

I agree with the fact that the game has severely gone downhill. Professions in this game are almost a waste of time now that the ilvl for base mythics has gone up, blacksmiths, leatherworkers, tailoring, and all professions besides enchanting and possibly engineering are completely worthless. And I agree that they have made most classes just the same now, with new names or looks for exactly the same abilities. Arms warriors used to be able to stance dance, and were one of the only classes with a mortal wounds effect. Now WW, hunters pets, (I think DK? not sure on that) have that same ability. Shaman used to be extremely significant in the fact they were the only class at one point with Heroism or Bloodlust, but now you just need a leatherworker to get that same effect. Some classes are unique and have their “signature” abilities but the fact is most are just copy and pasted abilities with different names.


No thank you ill keep playing loveing BFA still :slight_smile:

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No, i do not and personally, i do not care either.

You can enjoy something for what it is and if you no longer do, then go ahead and waste your time elsewhere. We have really short lifespans to be using that time in something we clearly dislike.

Carry on with your day, have a great one.

Forgot to say alchemy is viable as a profession. I think if they were to improve on some of these issues, and make professions actually more worthwhile instead of just enchanting and alchemy, as well as fix many class abilities, this game would be a lot more fun to play for me personally.


It is exactly why this game will get through this phase and will work to get better. The company knows it has to make a change or it will continue to bleed subs. The problem is, everyone expects that change now, and it doesn’t work that way. It could be that the lead devs still have their heads in the sand and are still working from their egos, Who knows. I am sure they are getting pressure from the top to turn their sub numbers around. The problem is, should they spend that time focused on BfA or just write this xpac as a failure, learn from the mistakes and put their resources and energy into the next one.

You’re so awesome Liadrean. Thanks for coming here and telling us that you don’t care.


and i have no answer to an enchanting profession pally bubble hearthing, but that doesn’t break the game

with respect to mana use, you are honestly only arguing about the aesthetics of class design.

Mana, is a resource, rage is a resource, energy is a resource.

It DOESN’T matter which resource a class uses.
How the resource is generated or depleted is what determines the playstyle. Would a warrior’s playstyle change if they changed rage to a blue bar called mana which capped at 100 and is generated in combat through damage dealt/received?

And yet, you think others lack imagination.

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Running out of mana as a DPS class was not fun in any way shape or form.

i am having TBC ret pally vs priest flash backs

he laughed at my auto attacks ._.

No don’t care

Dude, you’re early. Sunday is tomorrow.

I mean easier said than done. If you just base it on WoD or MOP when class balance in pvp and pve was pretty solid you need to factor new elements like artifact power abilities and demon hunters that can completely change everything.

That said, they should’ve actively started working on balancing all classes without GCD implementation the second it was near unanimously hated by pvp and especially pve communities. (First time I’ve ever mained a caster and sworn off tanking in an expansion)

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Seal and judgment of wisdom my friend.


The no mana issues for dps is a huge improvement. Plain and simple. There are improvements to the game and there are things that are sorely lack luster. Mainly I hate the way the story is narrated today. I hate seeing all the chat bubbles over my head while questing, and don’t even get me started on the flying shenanigans. To me, wrath will always be the highlight of this game. I’m just hanging on for the ride a bit longer.

let me introduce you to dispell that can absolutely take away every buff you cast, including seals D: