You should be to transmog daggers to fist weapons

Subtly and Assa currently have zero alternative weapon transmog options. Giving us some mog diversity would be a quick, easy win.

Like daggers, fist weapons are traditionally close range weapons and would fit well within the class fantasy.

I mean, just look at this description of the subtly spec A dark stalker who leaps from the shadows to ambush his or her unsuspecting prey.

What better weapon to pounce with than claws?

If warriors can transmog a wooden spear to 2H sword made of pure steel, is it really a stretch to give us fist weapons?


Having sword/mace/fist in 1, and dagger in other and the inability to make them look the same makes my feet itchy. It bugs me so much :smiley:


It could always be worse. You could be Outlaw and forced to use a dagger offhand meaning you either have grossly mismatching weapons or forced into using the artifact appearances :slight_smile:


I have been saying this for ever. Not only that but let’s face fact there are very few dagger that are dagger sized. Pretty much all dagger models are sword sized. Druids have how many bear forms and we can’t get free-range on what are weapons can look like? I can understand not I to 2 handers but like op said their isn’t much difference between daggers and fist weapons.


That and using daggers as a Worgen breaks the fantasy of it all. I have these giant claws, but nah… I’ll use these little daggers instead. Let us hide them already.


Seriously, this. Clearly rogues are on the backburner when it comes to class design, why not placate us in the meantime with some fantasy?


good idea, dagger tmogs suck. #FixOutlaw

They should just add daggers to the 1h transmog list

Always thought it was weird that daggers were a rogue only thing, at least for melee classes(shammy/war can equip daggers, just cant mog them)


It is very strange that daggers remain separate from the other 1 handers, and it makes transmoging as sub/sin REALLY painful.

As a rogue who loves transmog I wholeheartedly endorse this movement.


I completely agree. I have been farming the new ZM light swords that look amazing. However, I have ZERO intention of ever playing outlaw. In my case those swords will never see the light of day, until Blizzard allows us less xmog restrictions. I feel like daggers have been very lack luster in design since legion (not including Sylvanas daggers)


I’m very sorry for necroing instead of opening a new thread, but the OP and other posters explain the issue better than I do.

Blizzard, please let worgen players hide their daggers or transmog them to fist weapons. Thanks.


See i want the same thing but for outlaw, i may be the minority here but i really want to use dual daggers as outlaw please.

Having daggers with my flintlock pistol, a dream come true, but that might be just me


They should just make it generally easier for people to mog between different items. The rule should be if you can obtain it on that character, then it should be moggable. Oh, and please give an option to sheathe weapons on the back.


any weapon of the same type should be able to be mogged. 1h, 2h, ranged. mages should be able to mog a staff as a 2h axe. what’s it matter? open up the restrictions and let us have RPG freedom. our outfits don’t break the game’s story. let a man hold a fish as his weapon if he so choses. also any class any race.


This is long overdo and a easy win.

Please blizzard, put daggers on the same list as one handers. There’s no reason not to.


I don’t even talk anymore about give back Sub 1h weapon at main hand, like it was back in time until Hemo was available. Screw historic feature of the spec. Just let me have both fist weapon as Sub again… I ask for it for years…

Did you know for a short time demon hunters could wield daggers?

Same here. I’m talking about it at the very forum at least from Legion.

Yeah! It’s been years Worgen gained ability to hide armor and pauldrons. The change with hiding weapon / replace daggers with fist weapons is more than obvious.

I wonder if this is that hard, it would crash the game code :wink:

I think the main (kinda of dumb) thing holding them back from going all in with the tmog options, is the big Legion animation overhaul. A lot of abilities now have extremely specific animations, instead of the (intentionally) vague animations the game was originally designed with.

Rather than animations being flourished with a ‘glow’ effect (like Backstab’s purple swirl or Eviscerate’s orange hue) to show you what happened, they are instead flourished with your character’s movement now. Many of those fancy animations for sub and mut assume a pointy dagger is in your mainhand. Think Rupture, or Backstab.

They just need to have to play a more generic animation, or develop a few new ones for non-stabby weapons. A mace can certainly Rupture someone’s vessels, so the fantasy is still there for the ability. Just have them swing the mace instead of stab it.

Well, this “stabby” animation is very similair to shaman’s Stormstrike animation I remember from WotLK times, and it looked cool on axes, maces and fist weapons.
Fist weapons, axes, and swords are pointy in general, so problem solved. I think maces look kinda odd, but very similair stormstrike animation could solve this aswell.

I just had fist of diety drop. I 100% want these for all 3 specs mog wise. Fav fist weapon in the game.

This has to be a thing, absolutely!
I wanted to level a new Worgen but I want a feral Worgen type of theme, fighting with fists and clawing enemies. Rogue is a nice fit but I’d need some kind of fist weapons. Issue is, daggers drop. Why can we not mog them?

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