You refuse to listen to your community (about twinks)

You want moba style pvp in the bgs. That’s not a mmo bg. You want to have a character that is wearing garbage and que for pvp and be on pair with everyone. Why even have gear in the game at all if that’s the case…


When a person with a twink tells you that you should stop complaining about the huge gear disparity between twinks and casuals and instead put effort into gearing, remind them that they are playing below endgame for the exact same reason.

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thats actually not why i do it at all

We’re fine with gear mattering. Many prefer it that way- myself included.

Gear mattered in legion about as much as it does now. Scaling existed in both with the difference being that nowadays, you can customize your secondary stats instead of being beholden to a fixed template.

The playing field was more level in legion not because gear didn’t matter (it did), but because people with XP enabled played against people with XP enabled only. If someone hunted for BiS gear, they were only an issue for as long as their XP bars permitted them to remain in that bracket. They were very short-term problems rather than the chronic diseases that they are today.


Much like how you did to your own posts for up votes?
How many self made up votes will we find in your 1160 posts today. :rofl:
You literally found a way to undermine the integrity of these lovely new forums.
Anything you say at this point is pretty useless after being exposed for your bad habits here.


thats not true, the queue times were unacceptable

Bgs are for pvp! In pvp you need to spend time gearing so you are competitive. Bgs are not meant to be your path to max level. Nor should we have a separate que so you can have it on easy mode.


Dude twinks were in legion too. Please you are not informed enough.

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What the heck are you talking about? lol I like how your response has nothing to do with what I just said. Nice way to reinforce what we’re saying.

I can’t wait to get home and kill you guys some… nomnomnom eating the cry babys


Who are you to say what they are “meant” to be? I would argue that not every individual bracket from level 10 to 119 is intended to be treated as though it is end-game content.

If BGs are not meant to be a fun alternative means to get to max level, then why do they award experience at all?

I’d also argue that having a merged queue has given you the easy-mode that you’ve all been pining for. Nice, relaxed PvP against players that don’t stand a chance. Just the way God intended. :roll_eyes:


how can a grown man complain about a freaking video game every single day like this? its astonishing that greyhide cant adapt and gear up or just move on by this point

hes spent more time complaining by now than it would take to gear up. its not changing guys, we are getting a major patch (this week?) and no word about low level pvp

learn to deal with it already


Uh ya, I addressed that. They either had their XP turned off, in which case they only played against others who have done the same, or they played with levelers for a short period of time before they leveled out of the bracket.

They were a non-issue. Please attempt to keep up in the conversation.


No I played with xpoff vs levelers in legion. Twinks were queing in legion no more seperation. We still annihilated you.

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that is wrong

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I wouldn’t run for mayor.
The fact that you would undermine one of the only forms of communication here just shows us what you are all about.
What is next?

They were merged WITH legion:

Please try to keep up with what you’re talking about


Shia LaBeouf twinks, that’s pretty much all you need to know…

Oh I’m starting to love these new forums.

Oh yeah, you’re that creepy stalker guy who was claiming that anyone who voted my comments was my alt. Find a new obsession.