You refuse to listen to your community (about twinks)

Didn’t answer my question. Show me where Blizzard said they support it. A tree falling over in the woods does not mean mother nature supports lumberjacks.


Following the rules within a game is always supported.
WoW is designed for players to make great use of whatever is available, when sanctioned by the developers.
“Twinks” “Geared characters” are doing exactly what they should be,

Enjoy BFA.


Still didn’t answer my question. Show me where they said “we support it.” Don’t assume they do by how you interpret their actions.


Is there any evidence that BFA does not support “Twinking” “Gearing up”?
As far as I can see Blizzard really supports making great use of items and gear within all areas of WoW.
Character progression pays off.


Still didn’t answer my question. You claimed they support it. Show me where they said this. The burden of proof isn’t on me to show evidence that they didn’t say it, the burden is on you to prove they did. Stop dancing around the question, please.

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You asked for a direct quote, I never said there was one.
The fact of the matter is “Twinking” or “Gearing up” which is what WoW is all about.
Blizzard clearly supports “Gearing up” which is exactly the same as “Twinking”.
Loads of work has gone into reworking the gearing process within BFA in order to make it the most casual friendly balanced/gearing in WoWs lower brackets.

Enjoy BFA.


they never said it isnt supported either. blizzard changed many things for bfa, one of them was making it easier to gear at lower levels. they also left the exp on and off queues together, so that should tell you how they feel about twinking


Ok, so you’re making assumptions based on your opinion. That’s all you had to say.

Enjoy BFA.


And yet here we are “Geared up” enjoying the game Blizzard has given us to play.
The way Blizzard intended the game to be played.
If something was off they would let us know.

As Lord Saurfang states in the BFA cinematic trailer “Old Soldier”,
“Without armor?”

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I feel like these threads keep reappearing after they die off. I saw a great response a few days ago on I think it was called “crybabies over twinks” thread.

Stop going into something you know is giving you buttpain. You know the lower brackets have twinks, why so you continue to torture yourself? There’s so much other content in this game and dungeons you can que and do. It hasn’t been “fixed” since preBC what makes you think it’s going to get “fixed” now?


yes really. we all know you hate twinks and cant stand people being geared at lower levels

your opinion on the matter is noted, but we will all carry on without you. blizzard isnt stopping us so you can split hairs and argue over whether its “supported” or simply allowed

that distinction doesnt matter to me

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Au contraire, I’ve never claimed to hate them. I have a lot of compassion for them, to be honest.

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so stop worrying about us being in the same queue as everyone else. if you split the queues then the exp off wait time would be too long, they would probably never pop during off hours

i dont do this to play other twinks, and i dont do it to destroy levelers either. i do it because i have no interest in bfa. i could live with them making gear not matter at all, but separate queues are not acceptable, and there dont seem to be any plans to change that either

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That’s not true. The community is huge, right? Queues should still pop left/right.


shorter is better, thats not something i would be willing to risk.

neither you or i can say for sure how long they would be. im not going to make a guess, ill just say leave it alone

I’m just saying, if the community is as huge as people keep claiming it is, queue times would be a non-issue for separation.


There was a strawpoll thread on the old forums asking whether we should separate queues for exp on and exp off. It was nearly 50/50 with slight favor towards not separating queues.

Hardly conclusive of course as it took probably a month for the poll to even get a few hundred votes. But it does suggest that twinks aren’t this tiny minority as some like to claim.

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Blizz won’t make separate queues because twinking keeps sub numbers up


The group of people vehemently against twinks and pushing for bracket separation are just as much of a minority as the twinks themselves. It does seem to be evenly split among the people that care one way or another on the matter.

Personally I love the sidegame of twinking and have invested hundreds of hours into it. It’s the only thing keep me and many other players still subbed and invested into wow. I’ve spent 40$ on tokens recently just to obtain necessary items for twinking. Some brackets it takes literal weeks of dungeon grinding to obtain BiS. This 69 warrior was very difficult to gear. There is so much work and time put into competitive twinking and it’s annoying that some players disregard how much it means for those people to keep queues alive. Especially when they level out of the primary low level twink brackets so quickly.

Only the super popular brackets that are really easy to gear for (19/29/39) manage to stay alive in queue separation. The other brackets need levelers to fill in the empty spots on both sides. The gear gap for twinks doesn’t seem as severe as it was in the past. There is no one or two shotting happening. It takes me a good while to wittle down any enemy player.

Honestly healer balance has been way more important than twink balance overall. I’ve lost games with twinks in them just cause enemy had more/better healers.

sup sauced ;)?

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