You need a separate Community Council for PVP - 6 years since a new BG map

Your OP is a good enough source, it shows that even Blizzard doesn’t care enough about it. If there were more players interested then Blizzard would do more for them. Blizzard chases money, like all other for profit businesses.

If it chases money, why not invest an a decent ROI? WSG does require the same inputs as a raid.

As for thr source i meant regarding PVP = Pet Battles

Both are mini games. It’s been a few years now that pvpers have been complaining about participation rates.

Bring back warfronts as a PvP mode.


It always surprised me that they didn’t focus more on making new bgs. But to some point some people have been happy doing WSG for 20 years and still seem fine with it. For me I have no interest in doing 10+ years old bgs.

The last time I did a lot of pvp was with Ashran introduction in WoD but I feel a lot of “core pvpers” hated that kind of content which made them stop to try to make that kind of content.

Then came warmode which destroyed pvp servers and reduced even more the type of pvp I would do. There’s no point with warmode when there’s no one for your daily quests it is just way slower and I’m not counting how pvp can affect this.

Pvp has truly for me been made as an afterthought the more the game carried on and to a point I understand. With M+ they don’t really have to care as much with other content. Before when you were done with raiding you pretty much had the option to do pvp. Now with M+ I don’t see myself having much interest in putting time in pvp.

I’d argue that PvP needs separated from the game entirely.

No more trying to balance the two AT ALL. They are simply too at odds with each other.

With every balance/change/gear that happens, they should only apply to the mode they were designed for.

They simply impact one another way too much to still live in the same world. Both worlds suffer for that compromise.

Thank you Sendryn, your support is most appreciated.

The truth is most of the issues with PvP right now are a result of neglecting to keep up with the most basic of maintenance needs. As Sendryn pointed out and linked, I compiled and organized a list of PvP issues in an attempt to reach out to the Community Council as well. As a result Cyrios for the CC made a post titled “The State of PvP” which as expected didn’t gain much traction as of yet and those who did support his post are mostly PVE players who can see the obvious issues. If there are players on the Community Council who were selected for PvP, they aren’t doing anything at all and I highly doubt it’s because they don’t think there are issues.

I agree with your sentiment that PvP needs its own Community Council, or oversight team, or even just one developer at Blizzard overseeing routine maintenance, because after the most recent round of class tuning it’s clear that whichever team determined the PvP buffs and nerfs is profoundly out of touch with PvP overall, and there’s alot more wrong with PvP than just Class Tuning.

If you get a chance to swing by my post, and the Cyrios CC Forum post and drop a comment now and again to help keep it alive I’d appreciate it, likewise I’ll be dropping by here to check in on the conversation and keep this post alive. The more posts we have about the state of PvP the more likely we are to see some changes.

Like the CC does anything for the PvE side? You act like they have some sort of power when it comes to decisions.

It’s just a ploy and always has been. it’s just now that there forums are public, It was hidden before.

Well done, nice mini essay. I didn’t believe we needed another BG, but you changed my mind.

If you drop a link, I’m happy to support a brother in arms.

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I am not sure CC has any tangible impact as it is.

Nobody wants to heal solo shuffle, and I can’t blame them.

So does the forums but you are still here. Here’s to hoping or at least having fun discussing with other people about wow :beers:

Yeah, but I dont expect anything I say to have any impact on the game.

I feel as though the expectation of a CC for PVP would be different.

The problem with healing is they never fixed the 3-3 issue and healer too often go 3-3.

Thanks brother, I appreciate it. If we keep the pressure on we might be fortunate enough to see some changes before TWW, since as soon as those Hero Talents hit we’re not gonna see any PvP changes outside of the same sub par class tuning we’ve been seeing.

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I’m not sure if I’m disappointed or just unsurprised that this remained the way it has. Then again, they kinda whiplashed with the crackdown on MMR inflation this season.

Playing into what felt like impossibly difficult matchups at 1600 early in the season was, uh, an experience.