You know what, I change my mind on Dungeon Finder

This is why you dont take your feedback from youtubers and streams that just fill groups with other youtubers, streamers, and top guilds. Because like… it doesn’t really matter to them because its already determined. So to them it was a great tool. It works great. On the small scale of the beta it was amazing!

Shame reality is different… its trash… hardly works… is filled with bloat and useless stuff.

There is no “pride” for them to swallow. YOU people did this crap.

We TOLD you all… over and over and over again… the RDF tool was JUST FINE and there was nothing wrong with it.

But nooooo we couldnt have that because 2% of the community filled the forums with endless whine posts blaming every problem in the game and their lives on the RDF.

So Blizzard caved to the mewling crybaby turds… and this hot garbage is what we get… that and a “Chat channel” thats so full of frickin spam its completely unusable… cause yeah boi… this is WAY better right here! /facepalm

TL;DR = This aint on Blizzard… this is what you people cried for… this is what you wanted, this is what you demanded… this is what you get.


I’d say Brian is also out of touch with the actual wow community as well, but yes, the loud minority voices on the LFD topic probably swayed blizz to act.

Who is you people?

Nobody asked for it to be removed, so who are you blaming? Purists who want RDF because it was in Wrath. #nochange people because they want RDF in Wrath because it was in Wrath.

No, stop blaming the players. Because NOBODY asked for this. Put the blame where it belongs: on the clueless Classic ‘dev’ team. And stop listening to their ridiculous BS about responding to the desires of the players. They didn’t respond to anything or anyone. They did this out of the clear Blue without a single bit of feedback collected.


Plenty of threads like this before it was announced that LFD was not being implemented, there’s plenty of blame to go around. Players like yourself who made more than a few posts about how much you despised WoTLK because of LFD are also partly to blame.

That’s the only issue I see with it. As long as I can make groups with it it’s fine. I’d hardly call it busted. I usually can make a group in a couple of mins with it.

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