You hear about the guy who lost his entire left side?

I’m glad he still has a leg to stand on.


So if he’s all right now, that means he’s a Trumper right?

I agree with this thread, Nerf DH.


If you’re Russian in the kitchen, what are you when you’re in the bathroom?


What do you call an alligator wearing a vest? An investigator.

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I know you just didn’t, it’s go time!

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is he a mechagnome?

What do call a monk’s favorite thing to drink?


… I’m sorry :face_with_head_bandage:

Well after seeing all these dad jokes I can honestly say Dadghar’s night job is safe.

Five adventurers walked into an instance. The first one said, “Ouch.”

what has 4 wheels and flies?
a garbage truck.

Hey OP’s right , laughter its all we have left.

He’s also right all the time. :slight_smile:

I heard that under Blackhand’s leadership, productivity at Blackrock Foundry is down.


Two Forsaken are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says, “Does this taste funny to you?”