"You have entered into too many instances recently"

I agree. It shouldn’t let you queue in the first place and have a countdown, either as a debuff or on the lfg selection screen.


Its to prevent farmers from seriously abusing instances.


I seem to remember the limit was 10 for retail and 5 for classic per hour. I guess if you are farming for mogs it might be an issue but otherwise, what are you doing that triggers that?

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Anyone who farms seasonal mounts on an alt army knows this pain well. I get around it by taking more breaks than usual while doing this kind of farming.


Not a big deal now, but on heroic week was a pain because we kept downgrading keys. Mostly I think it’s there as a failsafe for if blizz messes something up and accidentally creates millions of empty instances and crashes the servers

Because this:


I still don’t like the idea of going into a LFG queue, completing it and it adding to a “cooldown” timer.

Shenanigans. It’s a live service game, limiting access to it and charging a live service fee isn’t right. You can’t punish people for playing the game like it’s intended because of the people who abuse it.

You’re right, 10 for retail. Currently just doing the Chemical Co. Event. There is no trash and you kill the guys super quick. I have 50 120’s… I can target whatever I want, the problem is there is a subjective “protection” going on for a subjective “potential problem”.

All too well. This is a silly limitation because of how they have this rigged. There should be ZERO “cool down” for entering into a LFG. MAYBE entering the instance (which is a problem if you’re doing keys), but honestly, they have bots for fishing and gathering and BG’s, this alleged protection from exploited accounts is a farce.

Again, shenanigans. This is a lazy excuse not to fix something that most likely affects a small percentage of players. Knocking a key from a 16 to an 11 so you can run your friends through keys or joining LFG that is a small with 0 trash is simply a lack of foresight and planning.

They simply don’t put resources or attention to it.

** Sorry I couldn’t include your image because “reasons”. [shaking my head]


This is mostly a thing to curb gold farming bots.


“Additional Instances can not be launched” for hours.

They company decides what is right. You agrees when you agreed to the terms and conditions.

There are no laws being broken.

Is it a perfect fix to curb botters and farmers? Probably not, but there will never be a perfect fix for people trying to abuse systems.

Is this a fix that hinders the smallest amount of players? Probably.

If you did not know about the instance limit before, you do now and can simply plan around it.

If you wanna spout on about the team fixing things for you, you probably should become, get hired, and show us how easy it is to fix all the problems.


There’s so much with this statement that I really want to say.

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uh… what?

go stand outside botanica for a few minutes, and try and pretend what you’re seeing isn’t a problem.

just because you want to believe the world is flat, doesn’t mean it is.


My apologies but do you guys know if this applies to LFG dungeons?

Let’s say me and the gang decide to just delete normal bosses (stealth or just lure all), and we happen to finish the same dungeon 10 times in the hour, even if it’s by that autosystem will it lock me out?

Sure… I mean, if I had to worry what every fan boy had to say I guess I’d take you’d seriously.

Let’s say N’Zoth the Corruptor was bugging out and wasn’t working as intended, a hotfix would immediately be implemented to fix the problem. You can take every single scenario where they WANT to fix something and it happens.

Just because you swallow the koolaid, doesn’t mean the rest of us believe that bs.

Yes… You would be locked out. Chemical company LFG queue, going in to break keys down, any dungeon you nuke… 10 times in you’re getting locked till the cooldown timer comes up.

The reason you see the Blizz boys arguing in here is because it’s a threat to the idea their live service is throttled for inane and fictitious beliefs of exploits and bots.

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so… now you want to pretend bots are fictitious?

…while accusing others of drinking the kool-aid?

in case you haven’t figured it out, you’re a fan boy. :roll_eyes:


Bots spam farming instances was a very real problem before they put in the 10 instance per hour limit.
Yes it sucks during Holiday bosses like Crown Chem Co, but it beats not being able to dungeon when you want otherwise because the instance servers are over capacity.

Biggest problem is that the default UI doesn’t give you a timer. Having to use 3rd party add-ons for basic info like that sucks.

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Damnit! I though this might be a way around it.

With that said I haven’t see it put us in the same dungeon 10 times in an hour.

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That is the fix. I don’t even know what you’re talking about with keys and whatnot. M+ has zero to do with compromised accounts and bots spamming instances for gold farming and whatnot.

You sit here and spout rage about how it’s such a small percentage, when you don’t even realize that you are the small percentage, as well. I’ve run into this a whole twice in my 14 years of playing. You’ll survive.

It’s not a fix. I don’t know what narrative you’re trying to push with the whole “I’m mad” or “I’m in the minority” (which I acknowledge I am of the few people in this case MAYBE annoyed with it); however, this isn’t stopping people from abusing people with bots. There is a VERY minor amount of gold that you can make from dungeon loot and that doesn’t even account for how long it takes you to walk around. Compromised accounts are even a smaller fraction of that and then utilized to farm an instance.

In my OVER 15 years, I’ve run into people like you, complaining about people like me, over things that don’t effect you in any way who have an opinion on the subject just to have an opinion.

There ARE solutions to this… Adding to a cooldown from utilizing the LFG tool SHOULD NOT IMPACT a player PAYING for a live service game. It’s just dumb and poor planning.

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botting impacts everyone.

…and just because most people have learned to live with the lockouts, doesn’t mean it doesn’t affect them… it just means they don’t need to complain about something which only becomes an issue a few times a year