You have earned the title ‘[Character Name], Protector of the Weald’
You have earned the title ‘[Character Name], Winters Envoy’
You have earned the title ‘Smelly [Character Name]’
You have earned the title ‘[Character Name], Ally of Dragons’
You have earned the title ‘Intrepid Explorer [Character Name]’
You have earned the title ‘[Character Name] of the Iskaara’
You have earned the title ‘Buccaneer [Character Name]’
You have earned the title ‘First Mate [Character Name]’
You have earned the title 'Khansguard [Character Name]
You have earned the title 'Plunderlord [Character Name]
You have earned the title ‘[Character Name], Dream Defender’
You have earned the title ‘Honorary Councilmember [Character Name]’
You have earned the title ‘Lampighter [Character Name]’
You have earned the title ‘Thread-Spinner [Character Name]’
So it’s not just DF titles.
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Heavy is the head that can’t wear the crown
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The disappointing thing is that when 11.0.7 dropped, I logged in to get the usual title flood, but also got some “yer now maxed out with [whoever]” achievement spam. I’d been exalted (or whatever they’re calling it now) on all the spammed factions for a while on my main, but perhaps something warband-related finally caught up.
Since then, I only get the same one or two title alerts on login (“ally of dragons” and I forget the other). Improvement over the flood, I guess, but they still couldn’t solve the problem after three months?
Multi dollar indy corperation, please understand.
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And you have also LOST the title you have to re-apply EVERY TIME YOU LOG IN AGAIN!
If we keep complaining maybe they’ll fix it in Midnight’s pre-patch!
Yes, and then replace it with a random selection of titles earned in The War Within.
Every patch there must be some message that spams. It’s tradition. Flies away as
“A triumphant roar echoes from atop the Seat of the Aspects as Nasz’uro, the Unbound Legacy is formed.”
Sadly, the days when they cared about quality and polish are over. The game has so many little bugs and glitches it’s starting to be a bit of an embarrassment.
It’s ok guys, it’s just titles earned through Renown. No one wants to use any title tied to Renown grinds over the last 3 expansions, right? All that time you spent earning them wasn’t wasted or anything.
Titles still unequip when you relog bug. Tabard being hidden by belts that shouldn’t hide it bug, bosses not being placed correctly bug.
Playing a Damn private server out here.
Not gonna lie, there are some moments when it feels like I’m playing on a private server ran by some enthusiast. Back in DF when Zaralek Caverns launched, a lot of people got locked for days from the new zone because they abandoned the starting quest. The quest itself was buggy. Couldn’t accept the quest again.
Last week went to finish ‘Treasures of Suramar’ achiev. Had to flight fast and drop over some treasures because after seconds of going closer to them, they phase and disappear.
Don’t even know the count of how many times I couldn’t mount in Nazmir, keeping you in combat for no reason. And many more.
Heck, I did the kirin Tor quest on this goblin and she still hasn’t gotten the title witness of the kirin Tor.
Then I play my evoker and he has the title without doing the quests but he is missing champion of the dragon flights but my goblin has it.
Needed to redo the whole questline for my evoker to get the title.
Titles are just broken.
Getting that here, too. I grinded (ground?) many months for my Renown title and it gets removed every single time I log out or get disconnected. I hope they fix it soon.
That is the one bug I haven’t had yet. I feel left out.
I used to only see this on a brand new alt. Now, it’s daily log in
Also, I still get the flood of “item not found” from mailbox or “instance not found” aka Dalaran
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Very depressing to see this issue stemmed nearly 3-4 months ago and it still hasn’t been addressed.
Guess we’re just living with it now.
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