People wanting to try and bring down a network when they first learn how to use DDoS, then get really upset when whatever host countries police show-up and arrest them.
i honestly don’t remember getting time for stuff like that since like WOTLK
Good morning,
I can sign into app, or wow forums but not the game? Whats going on?
what i don’t get is … if these attacks are so crippling … if blizzard is so incompetent at stopping them that they are active for 8+ hours at a time … why doesn’t this happen every day? why aren’t ppl constantly fleecing them for money or something?
Can’t log in - Can get into the app and forums/site just fine, but not the game. Though I have a friend on my Btag who’s in game, asked them how they got in, says they’ve been on for a few hours, must be a recent issue I guess?
Same here cant play at all
Its nearly impossible to stop a well done ddos attack. You can do things to prevent some of them. But its not realistically possible to stop a well done one.
DDoS attacks have been increasing by like 200% a year in America, along with getting more powerful.
$15.00 / 30 days / 2 = .25
Is that 25 cents breaking your bank?
I would guess that trying to ransom a company would result in some legal ramifications.
The problem is still present, but with my error code the last 3 numbers are 308.
i have an idea. microsoft, intel, amd, nvidia and apple all sit down and discuss a merger and construct a super computer mainframe that doesn’t do things like this.
I’m still getting WOW51900118 error at 1:23 pm PST
Just got a “you can’t post due to game time” that’s funny got a year sub not due til 2024