You guys ever notice that Blizz never takes responsibility for mistakes?

There are a lot of dumb people who think not admitting you make mistakes makes you look stronger. It’s an idiotic idea: You don’t appear strong when you are obviously wrong and won’t cop to it…you just appear to be both insecure and foolish. But you see this a lot.

Blizzard, however, is just being a typical corporation. Corporations are about as bright as a really stupid individual person.

I am still absolutely amazed at the distorted history people cling to, where they think Blizzard has never admitted any mistake. Even recently.

I guess when you have a narrative to push, the first thing that goes are the facts. Can’t have those interfering with anything.


I don’t care if they apologize just fix it :man_shrugging: They could respond in ancient Chinese proverbs for all I care as long as it results in the problem being solved.


Its not just the fact that they don’t admit to problems, its the fact that they don’t do anything to fix them.

Look at all the problems that were reported in alpha and beta that are still to this day in live. How many alpha and beta testers told them that the azerite necklace wasn’t a good system? They said “ok ok yea we hear you.” Then 2 months after launch said oh yea guess you guys were right. here we are 9 months later and still no changes.

The problem isn’t just in whether or not they admit the mistake, they have to do something to fix those mistakes, which is something they fail to do.


You need to remember that Blizzard is a major gaming company, and as such things like public opinion and PR are important. If anytime Blizzard ever “messed up” they admitted to wrongdoing it would make the company look incompetent and gradually the faith of their customers and investors would diminish.

Would it be nice if that wasn’t the case? Sure, but that’s just how business works. There’s a reason why Ion is typically the mouth-piece. He knows how to talk . . . most of the time.

Now many would probably debate that Blizzard already looks incompetent, and that most players faith in the company has already been lost, but between that and the other various PR disasters of late it definitely wouldn’t help things any.

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This entire thread is based on the statement that Blizzard never admits to their mistakes.

Trying to move the goalpost to “they don’t fix their problems” is different.

You are changing the topic, because a clear extreme exaggeration is being called out as false.


Also, coulda swore the devs clearly explained that the azerite system didn’t work the way they wanted, and saw they had to fix it.


So your point is what? My point is wrong because its not what the original poster said?

Sorry but the point still stands, even when they admit to their mistakes its rare that they actually work to fix them, without just saying, oh wait til next expac like they did this time with Shaman and Priest.

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Don’t want to take away from Blizzard but I could tell Azerite was a train wreck the moment I was leveling 110-120. It was never a good system to begin with and never got better.

They had alpha and beta testers telling them on a daily basis that it wasn’t a good system and didn’t feel fun or good while playing. They just did a very basic, “Yea we hear you, we’re looking into it” then did nothing. They just sent it to live.

Which is where the saying “Oh its just alpha they’ll fix it in beta, oh its just beta they’ll fix it at launch, oh its launch they’ll fix it next expac.” started with BfA


That phrase has been around for a long time regarding WoW. Blizzard ignoring beta/alpha feedback is nothing unusual. They test other elements of the game at this point and kind of disregard public opinion. Not sure where they get their information but forums are flooded with feedback and they get messaged all the time on Twitter so idk

Actually it’s quite opposite. I have seen them for over 25 years admit mistakes and they are a very humble and giving company. It’s people like you who want to continuously flame them for mistakes they make which every company does. The reason D4 is taking so long because they are making sure it’s a perfect game and giving it very well due respect. It also has been through many iterations already. The constant bashing of Blizz isn’t a cool thing to do. They are actually one of the most premier companies when it comes to everything plus games. I’ve been around Blizzard games constantly since I was 8, I am now 31.


In a future Blizzard press conference

Ion: “We really could have done a better job of apologizing for not doing the right thing earlier. So we’re apologizing for not doing a good job on apologizing about initially not doing a good…job.”

via Imgflip Meme Generator

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A kid making this post is understandable.
go read more about blizzard before making posts and wasting people time

There was no reason NOT to have a Diablo phone game/whatever. It actually makes sense to have one.

Their mistake was the way they paraded it out at Blizzcon/whatever, without a Diablo 4 announce.

I would have waited on it, announced Diablo 4 and THEN said:

“Oh, we also have a 'lil separate Diablo Phone tablet game, for when you need your fix on the go!”


To them, admitting a mistake appears as an admission of incompetence. They work scared

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I miss the days where internal reviews would have them rework something until it was perfect and deadlines be damned.

I bet if SC: Ghost were in the works today, Activision would say publish it despite the product’s failure or negative publicity.

Too often, I am seeing rush to finish with WoW content or essentially put out now, patch later. I’ll be first to admit custom maps that I made for games never felt complete…there’s always room for improvement.


The point of this thread is “Blizzard never ever admits a mistake”. That point is wrong.

If your counter to someone pointing out this is wrong is “well, the real issue is that they don’t fix their mistakes”, then you are talking about a completely different topic.

I am merely trying to stay on topic and talk about what the OP is talking about.


hey pal, you come at me with quotes of substance and we’ll talk. sorry if i’ve offended your delicate fanboy sensibilities.

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I think we may actually be in the darkest hour.

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