You guys ever notice that Blizz never takes responsibility for mistakes?

Didn’t the CEO just recently state they made a mistake when announcing Diablo Immortal? That they should have reiterated that Blizzard is first and foremost a PC gaming company?


The CEO said the announcement was the problem, not the game itself. Didn’t acknowledge that they’d made something no one wanted, didn’t address the rudeness shown to those attending when they weren’t happy with it. It was a canned response.

oh no! sorry! fixed!


While I can’t really pin him hard because I don’t know him personally, he does give off this impression. When he does QnAs and panel reveals he doesn’t even sound excited so why should we be? I just really wished that he would take a step back from the corporate suit and tie stance that he has and just let loose and have fun with the community.

I know this is an old point that has been made but Jeff Kaplan felt more like a player that just so happened to be a dev. Ion feels like a Dev that just so happens to be a player.


I think you are reaching when you say no one wanted Diablo Immortal. Certainly a lot of people are gonna play it.

Had they said, we are releasing a mobile Diablo game next and then will be releasing Diablo IV for the PC the next year (or year after or whatever), it wouldn’t have been a big deal.


Damn dude, I’d love to see him back on WoW. Will never happen so long as they’re still trying to breathe life into OW, but he had passion for the genre. I don’t think Ion is capable of passion - guy seems like someone who made a job out of WoW when he played it.


Even Takata did a better job handling their deadly airbags than Blizzard has done with Battle for Azeroth. They should recall every copy of BfA and replace it with Legion until it’s fixed.

The game in its current state is pretty much unplayable.


In many QnAs that they have said that they made the wrong decision, messed up, should have done better, etc.

This is a great way to say " I only speak in absolute extremes that make no sense, please don’t take me seriously".


DRETA! You were announced as DLC for Mortal Kombat 11! :smiley:

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Would be nice too see them appologize even if for one major mistake. I remember during the Fanfest where SE announced Shadowbringers…Yoshi P got up on stage and first thing he did was get on his knee’s and appologize to the crowd for the 2 MSQ incidents at the start of Stormblood. Not being able to complete a solo quest cause the instance server was packed…not fun.

It is pretty bad lol


The problem with this is that different players will view different things as mistakes. I think titanforging, islands, warfronts, rental gear aka azerite/artifacts, etc have all been mistakes. Yet you’ll have players that like the rental gear, that like islands so on and so forth.

That’s just how it is. Things that are objectively causing the game to function poorly like Server crashes, log in problems, etc are the kind of things that merit apologies because it’s objectively bad and hindering people from playing the game.

They have apolgozied for class design mistakes though. They apologized for giving ret Paladins blessing of might after it was almost universally hated by ret pallies on the beta for example.

Realistically, I don’t want or care for an apology because BfA is bad. I want them to take a good hard look at it, see what issues are being brought up almost every single QA, act upon forum feedback that includes controversial issues, etc. I don’t want an apology, I just want the game to move in a better direction. It’s very obvious what they’re doing now isn’t working, rental gear is hindering class design, titanforging is hindering gearing, etc.


Symptom of success is…inflated ego.

You disagreed in a non-insulting manner and obviously the only rebuttal to you being a human being exhibiting critical thinking of the topic at hand is to degrade you.

That is a disgusting amount of hyperbole. If you have a legitimate argument you’d be better served presenting that instead of just an absurdly hyperbolic statement. Disliking the game is fine as it definitely is not everyone’s cup of tea, but statements like this just make you look like an idiot hitching yourself up to a hate-filled bandwagon.


In a way I agree with OP.

But in their defense, I would do the same thing to.
If I’m trying to save the image of my company, I would see if I can remedy anything.
And if not. I would say “ I fudged up”

They don’t say it often , that much I agree on

They don’t take responsibility for mistakes because in their eyes they are never wrong, WE are the one’s that are wrong.


You should avoid using absolutes like never in instances like this. Because you used never, you are wrong.

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You have selective perception. Ion says we did this wrong so many times I find it annoying.


They don’t want to admit their mistakes, at least not while their employed at Blizzard. Look at LFR, Ghostcrawler who headed up its introduction in WoW, even said it was his biggest regret with WoW, that it should not have been put in in its current state. Blizzard itself and other devs refuse to admit that it was a bad choice.

Then other things like sharding/phasing. Bad implementation into the game, it doesn’t belong on a game that thrived on the MMO experience.

With the directions that WoW has been going for the past several years. WoW is no longer a full fledged MMORPG, its a single player RPG masquerading as an MMORPG.


8.0 launch : Uhh so guys Enhance and Priest is actually incomplete because we dont have time in the BETA tee hee wait for next patch

8.1 : LOL We cant do major change mid expansion, wait for next expansion :rofl::+1:


With a playerbase this garbage I wouldn’t be talking to us in regards to any mistakes either tbh.