You either die a PVPer or you live long enough to see yourself become a Carebear

Yes I always said I wouldn’t play wow if it weren’t for pvp. In the last 2 years I’ve migrated to keys and I hardly pvp at all now. Weird how a person changes.

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Back when I golfed I use to think…GOD I hope the afterlife has golf courses. I’ll never be able to like any place I cant golf.
Now I dont golf hardly at all…maybe once a year if someone asks.
Whatever we’re doing at the moment seems to be our lifes interest…and it fades just as fast as that lol

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I don’t have the emotional energy to be a PvP’er anymore. Even if I did, I’d rather spend it somewhere where the player is ready to fight against me like Tekken 8. I just prefer whoever wins to clearly be the better player and not someone unexpectedly ganked with 15% health.

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Eh gave up on pvp back after BFA.

I find myself thinking “huh?” Or “what?” or “is this dude drunk?” quite often when I read the things you type.

I was doing the last holiday even flying around and a hunter came at me. I didn’t even want to but I did almost nothing for a couple mins for shots and giggles. I used to love PvP and world PvP especially.

Idk what happened or why it doesn’t interest me anymore. Everything that once bothered me about the bad side of PvP (even though it was way more fun vs pve imo) bothers me now and I am not good anymore x.x

Never enjoyed PVP. Didn’t enjoy it when I started in early 2006. Don’t enjoy it now. I pretty much never do it.

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yeah…I get it…reading comprehension isnt for everyone…lmao.
back to ignore… :wave: :wave: :wave:

I have been playing WoW for 20 years . I did alot of pvp during those times, but now i mainly do pve . I know how Varok Saurfang feels after been in so many battles . Old and worn out .

I started on a PvP server and stayed on it from BC through WoD. I enjoyed the world experience of always being on edge and wondering when I’d be attacked next. I enjoyed BGs and dallied a bit in arena. In Legion I went hardcore PvE and transferred to a PvE server. Since then… I decided that my time PvPing was over. The last time I PvP’d was in BfA to get my fire mage trinket. The instant I had it I stopped again. I just don’t enjoy it.

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I do miss playing with and against my enemies. This Alliance probably didn’t know i was on her side fighting against the Horde . I miss her dearly. She was my enemy / friend . I wouldn’t mind fighting beside her one last time .

It’s not like i didn’t like the Horde , but i had friends who were on the Alliance side at the time , so i had to play with my friends . In which i am doing now .

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Where you’re concerned, it certainly isn’t :joy:

the thing that amuses me the most about them is how they frequently say “Back to ignore” like anyone cares or that we don’t know they can’t help themselves from compulsively opening the “Hidden reply” banner
THen again they probably have half the users on ignore so they kinda have to if they want to follow the conversation

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Planetside was ok, until it devolved into a 24/7 spawn camp fest.

Unreal Tournament was my pvp of choice. Sniper fights over large maps.

I’ve done various modes of PvP, liked some more than others, spent a lot of time in warmode in BFA.

Used to do a lot of casual BGs, but somewhere along the line, it got to where it seemed nearly every match was so one-sided it felt like there was almost never anything I could do, good or bad to influence the outcome. So, they lost their appeal.

Maybe in TWW I’ll have enough friends wanting to do BGs to do rateds again, or maybe I’ll PvP gear enough for rated solo queue, idk, maybe there’ll be some world PvP spot like the road in Nazjatar that’s just fun. Right now there’s not a lot of available PvP that I enjoy.

Planetside was the best until they added that Expansion with the Caverns.

we were asking for Urban Combat areas for close combat without vehicles, like an abandoned city and such, and they gave us that instead.

Marching across Cyssor with all the bridges was amazing. Large-Scale Battles of Attrition.

Planetside was about 10 years ahead of its time.

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I miss the two hordies that used to cause trouble in SW every night. They were skilled and smart. I fought them, hid from them, got wrecked by them, led groups against them, and chilled with them after the fighting died down. One of them even made an alliance toon so they could res me when they got me killed in awkward spots.

When things picked up again, I didn’t see them as much anymore, and eventually…lost touch? I got to chase them around Nazjatar once, but with all the people they were evading, I don’t even think they knew I was there. One of the last few times I saw them.

I miss em.

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There is no real world PVP in WoW. What you get is basically harassment, even if you aren’t flagged. Is it considered opt in PVP when someone from the opposing faction is able to kill your quest NPCs even if you aren’t flagged?

Was Tarren Mill-Southshore war really fun after the first few times it was new and then the new wore off? Is it just rose tinted glasses and nostalgia for those first few times and the other countless hours were just a waste of time?

Segregation of PVE and PVP players needs to go much further than it already is.

I’ve come to realize after turning 30 that games are for fun, not for some weird bragging rights no one cares about. I still pvp but the moment I start getting frustrated I switch it up. I’m not paying to be mad you know?

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DAoC perfected MMO large scale siege PvP. The 3 faction system just works better than 2 faction. What was particularly interesting in that game was the fact that the 3 factions were all unique with different classes from each other. This, and the fact you could only play on one faction per server, so realm (faction in DAoC) pride was very VERY strong. More so than alliance/horde will ever be.

P.s. edit- Hibernian for life! :grin: