"You don't need mythic gear for world content" Is true, but

You haven’t been respectful. You get what you sow. Insinuating ima stalker

You’re a hypocrite my guy.

I’m not going to back down because I’m not wrong.

Pot meet kettle considering you’re wrong on every comment you make :joy:

Did you just double reply to me ?

Wow. Ok, I can’t deal with this level of discourse right now, I’m stuffy enough as it is.

Thus you assume the guy is lying.

Welcome to Life 101. Jeebus.

The forum would disagree with you but that’s just the mob mentality right?

One side of the forum would disagree with me. Plenty of people do agree with me.

Like that dude that flat out said you need to stop being obsessed with me

Really, then how do you know so much about it? But you claim you’d never do that, but I doubt it, considering we’ve already caught you in lies in this thread a few times over.

Oh so I’m too difficult to argue with, and “dense.” Got it, so because you can’t verify who is playing, and by default can’t verify the data, and the absence of data doesn’t make someone good or bad, how are you going to refute anything when you got nothing?

Oh boy.


Which one of us referenced our alt data again?

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Capslock if i remember correctly.

Yep. Confirmed he’d already done it himself anyway.

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I never said anything about RMT. I said about boost runs. Where I flat out state it was for gold only.

You can’t verify he isn’t the one playing.

Ok I’m going to explain something to you.

The addon doesn’t make an actual achievement that’s tracked by armory.

It makes a visual image that you can then link or screenshot. Therefor someone linking a screenshot of an achievement means absolutely nothing.

That’s not a contradiction of my statements.

Yeah I remember a streamer going on about how they advertise “Gold only” a while back then got smacked with RMT, their whole guild got taken down.

But I’m not arguing the absence of evidence in that he isn’t, I’m saying if you can’t prove for certain, then you are making an assumption and that isn’t reliable.

I’ve already taken that a step further. You can’t tell me that 4 college students, or even family members don’t share a single license on the same account. Then point to data and reliably tell me with confidence it is legit.

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Launch is in six minutes, catch ya later.

Yes because one streamer advertised gold only and it was RMT means that all boost services are RMT. Like are you for real?
That’s one of the dumbest arguments ever.

Doesn’t matter. He made a claim and his toon doesn’t exist. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist.

I see you don’t understand how achievement trackers work.

They don’t track achievements that don’t exist.

I could make an achievement that said something like “Snoz throws spaghetti into Gainjins face”

I could link it in chat or take a SS of it.

You and I both know that’s not an actual achievement and a waste of spaghetti

Armory doesn’t track fake achievements.

So again no contradiction

Why not simply give away all the best stuff in the game trivializing any sort of effort put in. :roll_eyes:

This would be amazing. The GW2 map meta runs/achievement farming are a blast.

The maw was hard?

Then it needs to count for getting mounts and all the goodies that raiders get.

good to know you are making numbers up as you go along. What do you do with your different sets of armor now? you just want your “I win button” gear to let you dominate every part of the game. If they are going to allow that, they might as well just sell it in the store.

So they should change the game to cater to your mental disorder? No thanks.