"You don't need mythic gear for world content" Is true, but

Already refuted it. You just keep regurgitating the same thing.

I never admitted to RMT transactions.

Reading is fundamental

No you didn’t, you skipped verifying the person you’re evaluating. If you get a resume and someone else shows up to the interview, and you don’t know it, you got a problem.
Similarly that is the point, you haven’t refuted that, because you can’t prove who is using the account Lol.

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You know what, in RL, if you told a police officer how to commit a serious offense, after an offense was committed, you’re putting yourself on their radar. You seem to know ALOT about it, and thats pretty convenient all things considered.

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Actually I did. They claimed that was their toon and account sharing is against tos.

Again since you can’t seem to comprehend it.

Selling runs for in game gold isn’t against tos.

Wrong again.

My guy, not everyone is as dense as you to admit their wrong doings.

Yeah, because what is “Advertised” is always the case, not a loop hole to do RMT under disguise. I don’t buy it lmao.

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How did we get from “I’m the best player in the world but can’t prove it” to “You must be Elon Musk and police officers have you on the radar”.

My god. My brain hurts just reading the goalpost moving.

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I haven’t admitted to any wrong doings. You’re just making an assumption and looking very ignorant in the process.

Doesn’t matter what you buy. You’re making an assumption on things you don’t have any clue on.

Clearly you’re mad after not being able to make any points. You needed to go from calling me a Jeffrey Dahmer to implying I’m breaking tos.

No goal post moving at all.

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I think his feel feels got hurt.

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Must be why you lash out 99% of the time to everyone in this thread.

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So much for being civil.

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Well he already verified testimonies we heard yesterday.

Yes dude, I’ve never seen the goalposts move that fast, that far.

“He must be Elon Musk!”.

And you reached that conclusion from the guy making a bold claim he can’t back up.

I don’t even know what the link is between the two.

No. If you can’t verify the data, the data is useless.

  1. His admittance to RMT.
  2. In ability to logically get past Data Integrity.
  3. Assumes data is real (after contradicting himself yesterday)
  4. Can’t access public information he is so informed about.
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Nah, the argument is he can’t verify the data and who the person is, he doesn’t know if they’re good or not for that simple fact.

I haven’t lashed out once rofl.

Yes because calling me Jeffrey dahmer and claiming I’m breaking tos is totally being civil. Double standard for anyone who agrees with you lol

Yeah calling people dense who’ve been quite respectful is not a lash out, or the other 20 people you accused of “disrespecting you.”

If you backed down there wouldn’t be an issue.

But you can’t be wrong so you’re stuck here.

Yeah because harassing people is civil, and stalking them.

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Never admitted to RMT.

Just like your ability to move goalposts.

I never contracted myself.

No idea how logs work.