"You don't need mythic gear for world content" Is true, but

Wowprogress doesn’t show anything either.

So, sources cited, but you ignore. As usual.

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I can find it on Blizzard EU website, and I told you where to look. Looks like you’re more obsessed finding me on third party websites.

A account that was not used since legion and never gave permission definitely will not show up anywhere but besides blizzard website

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I’m not sure why you bother with him tbh.

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A video form bellular and asmongold aren’t sources. Nor are they credible.

Considering my sources show the actual data nah chief your sources aren’t it.

You claimed you were good at the game yet no evidence supports your claim.

You don’t have to give permission for warcraft logs to post your parses. They also go back past legion.

Someone that was actually good at the game would know this.

Yeah tell that to bill gates and Elon musk.

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If you refuse to play on a level playing field then no one is going to take you seriously.

Just look up the sources that the poster already referenced.

They are neither bill gates or Elon musk.

I do find it hilarious they make a claim but the. It’s “my other account” and “I can’t have access to it anymore” and “no logs show up”

Going to call 10/10 on the bs meter.

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I have logs to back up my ability claims.

I know you struggle with the word credibility but their sources aren’t credible.

My guy you don’t know that.

I mean other than the fact you give weird stalkerish vibes, and an aggressive homeless soliciter attacking people for change accusing them of lying because they have a car and its impossible they “don’t have money.” Yeah. Just saying.

On another point, there is no real objective value in looking at account information, you can’t prove it wasn’t a carry, if someone else didn’t play for them, that it is in fact their account, hell you can’t even prove the opposite either with static information. Its ridiculous.

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While true the odds of probability are not in their favor.

Aside from the fact that you clearly don’t know how logs or armory work. It’s not stalking if it’s public information. On top of the fact I asked once and they answered.

You really are dense. I’m not looking at account information. I’m looking at a combat log that literally shows every ability they push when they push it. And yes you can absolutely tell if they are a carry or not.

Do you know what a combat log is? Or even what parses are?

My point is you don’t need a resume or a degree to be successful. Plenty of business owners out there without either. So looking at that wrap sheet doesn’t mean much, even with a wrap sheet you can’t be sure that its worth anything outside a “good enough diploma.” Because yanno not like people cheat their way through content.

Nice assumption, but that is useless information, because if you knew how they worked, you’d know parses mean jack squat. If a priest parses a 40 on a fight and its high movement, what do you suppose is true, they’re bad or the fight is crap for them? furthermore you can’t even say what went wrong outside speculation at static data.

I’m “dense” but here you are asking every person for useless data to try to disprove them lol.

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Are you really trying to compare performing well in a game to real life?

If a priest parses 40 on a fight then they did worse than half of what all the other priests are doing in said fight.

You do realize that parsing only puts you against people of the same specialization that you are right?

They made a claim. I asked them to back it up.

So far they haven’t.

Are you really missing the point that static data, aka a “resume” has no significance, and this basic argument is applicable in everything in life?

Wow, and it still means nothing, because you have dozens of factors to consider as to why they performed well, it doesn’t make them a bad player it means something went wrong. If you die, your parse is going to be bad, any number of things can go wrong and make your prases bad. Thats the point, so if you look at it with your 1 dimensional view, its useless. Raid leaders wouldn’t use it the way you’re using it. In fact you know so much about these services you can’t find someone’s Public information, even after they gave it to you? But I’m “dense”? Okay Jeffrey Dahlmer.

You’re not going to back that crap up with static data, it doesn’t mean jack, and you would need piles of evidence to gurantee every single bit of it is true. You would have to go into financial statements even to ensure no one was paid, their phone and a whole lot more to verify the data isn’t done through cheating. If you can’t verify the integrity of the data, the data is useless.

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You’re comparing something that’s not easily tracked to something that is easily tracked.

If someone parses greys on normal raid they aren’t good.

Those factors literally apply to everyone. You do realize if someone kills a boss ten times and all the parses are grey it’s an indication that someone isn’t good.

And yes you’re extremely dense and still pushing a ignorant stalker line.

You clearly have never sold runs. People who buy rubs parse zero because they die on the pull so they don’t mess up mechanics.

And yes it’s very easy to see if someone is a boost on their logs.

You missed the point entirely. Even if you track either, you can’t prove there is Data integrity, it is assumed there is because rules exist, but that is a fallacy, people break rules all the time. Hence Police.

You can say that, but it might have nothing to do with them. You have to consider Ilvl, damage, positioning, mechanics, class, spec, and much more, but first you have to prove it wasn’t a carry and it was in fact them playing, which you can’t do either.

You realize it wouldn’t matter if you can’t prove it was them playing right?

“Clearly you have never sold runs.” Oh you have an RMT confession to make Jeffrey?

Again, static data, can the lack of participation really define someone as “bad?” Does this make anyone without job history bad? No. But I digress, you can’t even verify the integrity of the data, you skip that step and go straight for the data after a whole spiel about “addons can provide bad info on armory.” Then in the same breath using general info on “60% of players participate in X,Y,Z content”

IF you can’t prove data integrity the data is useless.

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Spoken like someone with grey parses.

Thanks for proving you don’t understand how combat logging works.

Account sharing is against tos and they admit it was them.

Nope. I only sold heroic clears for gold which is 100% legal and not against tos.

I never claimed addons can provide bad data on armory.

Please stop making lies up because you can’t refute points.

Oh you got no refute, capiche we’re on the same page then.

Thanks for proving you don’t understand what Data Integrity is, and your indirect admittance to RMT.

Ahh we come to the heart of why you don’t want solo players to get gear.

Business would shut down.