"You don't need mythic gear for world content" Is true, but

Yea I do you are just delusional, stubborn and at type of people who will rather keep hitting against the wall, instead listens to someone that it’s easier to go around

It was just example. And there is no need for high ilv difference. Absolutely not, because recolor or different look is enough to satisfy the small lvl gap.

And clearing heroic raid or M raid in a hour of time which is considered casual time is profesional raiding.

As well in order to do that you need to run keys or lower raid diff which is again more then 1 hour a day. I get that you think that you spent just one hour playing game, times runs faster when you’re in the game

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Does not matter at all. That is the solo players only content. You choose to do something so tedious and time consuming for the content you want.

When our base content is tedious, and that is all we have. Blizzard stated they know it is a problem.

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You don’t have a clue what you’re talking about and I’m the delusional one :joy:

Just because you’re bad at the game doesn’t mean everyone is.

Harder content rewards harder gear. That’s how it’s been and how it’s going to continue.

I never claimed to spend one hour a day. Keep making things up.

And enjoy your LFR gear.

Move the goalpost much? Rofl

You claimed solo content is more tedious than mythic raiding and were 100% wrong.

9.2 raiders were doing the entire rep grind of ZM on top of doing mplus and raiding.

9.1 raiders did the rep grind in Korthia on top of mplus and raiding.

You’re flat out delusional.

Nah I just calling you out. So you are saying that you need to do world quests and grind rep in shadowlands for your mythic raiding? All the solo content mythic players got to do?

You act like ZM and Korthia was the only solo content.

You are flat out lying if you said that mythic raiders did all the soloers content. Was more than just that in the game, and all of it is was tedious.

Mythic raiders pick to do the hardest content, and go through some of what us solo players have to do. So what? We do it every day. When it is your only content, than you can complain about it as well. Until that time you don’t know jack.

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I have to find a comment on other thread where you said that you’re casual and play hour a day. I wouldn’t say just because, I said it because i Know you said it.

You just keep negating because you troll like crazy on forums. The only reason you said that you casual raider is because you want to say that you are so good that mythic raids are casual content to you.

And trust me I’m good at the game I’m just lazy when I moved to US servers, all my guild members are in EU that I used to raid with.

Keep trolling you’re start to be entertaining.

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How would you do this exactly, limit the number of people who can be in one place?

Like, maybe you could split the world content into different shards, so that only so many people can be there to do it?

And then I guess there should be some kind of portal so that you know when you’re going from the regular open world to a part that has different instances of it.

You’re not calling anyone out when you’re wrong

And yes.

Had to grind revered for unity pattern in ZM.

Had to grind exalted/rank5 in Korthia for max level conduits.

I have never claimed that so feel free to keep looking for a post that doesn’t exist.

Casual is a metric of time not skill. I openly admit I’m a just above average player.

Sounds like an excuse.

Ironic considering you still don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.

Admitting something it’s not an excuse. I said I’m lazy and I don’t bother my self with game anymore. I play wow monthly not even daily. I have become more of a “play from couch with controller” guy, then sit on the chair

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What’s your eu characters name and server then?

Because tuning to make something mythic or heroic requires you to limit the number of players accessing the content to a target number.

Otherwise you end up with people zerging things like world bosses.

You can’t “tune” content around 10 to 300 players.

Maliev-silvermoon I tried to log in, but I don’t have access anymore to my phone number from EU country, neither access to that email anymore

Character doesn’t exist.

You have to look on EU not the n US

I looked on eu. No character by that name on the server you claimed.

If Ion wants to shoot himself in the foot then he’s put himself well in the publics sights.

Easiest way to look is search on google for World of Warcraft EU, then search for just the name Maliev and there will be only one that is Silvermoon

Warcraft logs doesn’t screen between the two.

I never used Warcraft logs, maybe they can’t even show my account hasn’t been active since legion. I just logged in legion during mage tower, grabbed artifact skins and logged out. Didn’t play anymore.