"You don't need mythic gear for world content" Is true, but

Yea sadly that’s the major problem with current professions and with wow in general. They should let people craft gear regardless what content they’re running. All those higher mats can be locked behind daily crafting, and everyone is happy, except snoozy

Right, I wouldn’t mind if better sets were craftable. Not sure if you play FFXIV, but you can there. I am just trying to keep people from getting their hopes up based off a media tour. :slight_smile:

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I heard that FF14 is similar to Elder Scroll Online where You can craft good gear based how much you invest in professions. And that’s amazing . Wow is so scared to do that. But yea people will still be limited to low ilvl even with crafting in wow if they don’t do raids .

Yep. For end game stuff it would be like (example numbers): Ilvl 300 for crafted gear, ilvl 310 for vendor/easy version of raid, and 320 for hard version of the raid. There isn’t (at least publicly) this huge divide between your “just for fun” players and your hardcore raiders. I mean both gear wise and attitude wise.

Would be perfect. Not like this crafter gear 40 ilvl behind if you even could equip more then one.

Catch up gear comes 2 weeks before expansion end to give bare minimum. There is so much Blizzard need to improve before they do anything else

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I wonder, I truly wonder if the players wanting same level gear as mythic level raiders/high M+ keys really understand anything.

Absolutely there needs to be open world progression, but the fact remains that those players will never really be able to do those high key content because of what actually merks players in that content isn’t ‘low gear’, it’s mechanics and mechanics that can ONE SHOT TANKS in bis gear.

I want players to really think how far into either PVP, M+, or Raiding they want the open world to emulate.

When gear stops improving to any noticable degree, Raids & M+ use mechanics that scale up & get worse (M+ mainly), do you really want that in open world where a single attack can 1 shot most players.

Nah. WoD was the worst.

Blizzard hasn’t said in wrong. And you’re the one thinking Zion is going to give you better ilvl.

If power is tossed away at the speed Blizzard goes. I see nothing wrong with it. I rather them slow down the progression of power. Does every content update need item level upgrades?

I don’t want open world to be as hard as that, It would make the game more tedious.

What I really want is the item level gap not to be as huge as it is now, 10 to 15 item level max from mythic to soloers/crafters.

When they removed gear from Tor. That was the biggest issue I had. Why make this fun solo content that requires group content to do the harder stages? Why not let it be a way for players to progress as well.

The choices Blizzard has made over the years, they know they messed up on.

Did you watch the preach video fully? Because your knowledge of what the developers think is lacking.

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I don’t think you understand how gear works in this game. They aren’t going to trivialize heroic raiding. If you can craft it it’s going to require a mat drop from the raid.

You’re knowledge is lacking period.

When I try to teach you. Show you the videos of what Blizzard said. Show you one where he does math, and explain how he comes to the answer he does. You deflect.

Anyone who proves you wrong you just ignore. It is sad :(, you just will not do basic level research.

I forgive you, and understand you are a troll.

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Wrong. Even casual raiders will do the grinds and prep.

And no you’re not going to trivialize heroic because you don’t want to socialize.

Yes they do. And yes they are. Casual is a metric of time. Plenty of casual raiding guilds get CE. Again you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.

You aren’t teaching anyone anything. You’re a pretender.

Frankly, the problem with ‘tossing power’ is it has to be replaced (which is another topic all together)

Fact of the matter is, and always has been for majority (outside some event/exclusions) Open world is the lowest, easiest bar there is.

I agree Torghast gear should have remained & even added some xmog looks in.

Crafting gear has been mostly regulated to catchup, xmog, & crafting leveling for the longest time. (I hear that’s changing, so we’ll see)

But really, What you’re asking is … the following
‘M+ players should have to work their asses off for 15 points of difference, while an open world you maybe get a group and face roll content with even optional PVP powers turned on.’

Should crafting be more rewarding & make sense… Yes.
Should Open world stay relevent longer… Yes.
How are you going to achieve those things when the open world has access to WM, which is an INSANE boost of power meant to deal with players whom just could stomp the open world as you can.

You have to come up with ways to keep M+ & Raiding actually rewarding, while letting open world only players make progression on content the other groups (including pvp focused players) can stomp on without much of a thought.

I agree, there needs to be more solo kind of content. But I’m thinking more flux scenarios like MOP had. where they can scale the stuff up more & you don’t have to fight the entire meta & player base for a spot to just go do it.

I can call myself the Queen of England, but it doesn’t actually make it so. Stop holding on to what they said during a publicity stunt. You are only setting yourself up for disappointment.

They are just trolling. No one is that obtuse.

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You want mythic gear do mythics.

its not hard to do

I am sure, it is easy but it also very time consuming. The time invested needed to get anywhere with it, makes up for the easy part.

For example, Solo players by the time they get decent enough gear, a new patch comes out and we already have to upgrade again. Because of how time consuming they make it because of how easy it is, we get very little time to enjoy the fruits of our labor.

Sorta, I want M+ and Raiders to get gear faster, for the extra work it takes to do it. And slightly stronger 10-15. Soloers can take much longer to get it and more grindy, but can come close to it. I also want us to be able to enjoy the fruits of our labor a little longer before the next content update. If not, make it so the grind is not as heavy to upgrade said gear to catch up with next big content.

M+ and raiding rewarding should come from achievements, Mogs, and mounts such. Yes power is great, but when the next update comes you pretty much toss it away. So I would think having things that last longer, than power would be something they would want more.

Plus from what I was told, the gear is just a bonus. What keeps people raiding is the logs, and the fun of competition.

Lol. Mythic raiding is more time consuming considering we do everything you do plus our content.