"You don't need mythic gear for world content" Is true, but

Well they do. So just because you Like to raid there should not be any other content for people who don’t like raids or M+ but want to get good gear? Again dude bad take

I don’t care if solo players have content or not. I do not think that content should award higher than normal raid gear.

I would love a truely dangerpus endgame zone. One where it was truely difficult to go alone and encouraged grouping, classic style.

I don’t care if raider wants to min max and ruin experience for everyone. Not everyone is a wow slave. Meta slaves are less than 1% , solo and casuals are more than 50% , and they tend to spend more money on game. Now do the math. There is a reason Blizzard is doing professions this way, and hope they will do it even better


Also we had WOD, and we saw what happen with it when Blizzard focus on dungeon and raiding.

No matter what proof you show him. He wants to live in his own world.

Has nothing to do with meta. It has to do with maintaining my raid spot.

I’m a casual raider. I don’t think casual means what you think it means.

No they don’t. They tend to cancel their sub after the first few months because they ran out of content.

I don’t have a problem with the profession changes.

WoD was terrible because it catered to bad players lol.

Game has always focused on dungeons and raiding. You must be new here.

yes i know raiders and dungeon players.

Even Ion said that wod was biggest mistake because they ignored world content and soloers. Keep up please.

That thing killed me so much back in the day. If I’m in that area I make sure to go back and kill it out of spite!


Actually solo players that couldn’t handle rotations and talent trees.

Yes, there was nothing to do in WoD except dungeons and raids (well if you weren’t a pvper). The point I am trying to make though there isn’t less focus being put on raids and dungeons in DF, there is world content, but it is the same kind of content that existed in Legion/BfA/SL. There is no “hahaha take that raiders!” going on.

Next thing you are going to say, legion was one of the worse expansion because of all the solo friendly content it had, and world quest design that was not as tedious.

You are so clueless, even when Blizzard says you are wrong, you still act like you are right. Lmao.

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I mean only meta raiders will do every single piece of content if it gives any possible gear reward that can help in push progression. If profession provide gear that is close to max ilvl 10 or 15 below max ilvl, why would it matter to much? It’s silly to say loosing a raid spot for reasons mention in this argument.

And casual raider is not what you mean. Casual raiders don’t have mythic gear. They normal and heroics. Anyone who has guild that has weekly raids schedule higher than normal they are not casuals they are raiders. If your running mythic raids then you care about that 1% power increase

I understand that, and i am not happy with the start of DragonFlight and how they itemize things, but I will have plenty to do until the first content patch.

For me, It is always that first update that tells me where they are heading. So i am willing to see how that first content patch goes, and if Ion was bsing us or not.

It is going to take time for me to get all my crafters up, and things. So i will have plenty to do. I’m glad they changed world quest design to be every 3 days.

We need at least one of these “roaming sentinel” types walking around every expansion lmao. You need to keep the fear in people’s hearts :rofl:

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Now the perfect expansion for me would be getting rid of wow token, and add more goals to spend gold on, but alas that is not going to happen.

No one cares if it gives inferior gear.

Why would someone care tbh. It’s there for people who wants good gear by doing something they love to do. 15 ilvl below max ilvl is good enough.

Let people who care for ilvl grind for best gear.

Well if ion says is true, not at the start but maybe future content patches, the gap will become smaller and smaller from solo players to mythic raiders when it comes to item level. So the developers are saying they don’t want the huge item level gaps to be as big as they are in the past.

Mind you at the start it seems like they have not set that mindset in, unless they have a new build that tweaks the item levels like they did this world event dungeon.

They don’t care, that’s my point. :stuck_out_tongue:

The only reason people care/would care is if there is an overlap. There isn’t. Everyone will be able to craft some gear, but the normal ilvl mats drop in normal, the heroic ilvl mats drop in heroic, the mythic ilvl mats drop in mythic.

Once again, this is not saying you don’t deserve content. Everyone deserves content. If you are thinking that Solo players are now getting the abundance of focus you are mistaken. Again, that is not me saying you don’t deserve it, that is me saying that’s what it currently is.