<You cant Take the Sky> Aotc/Mythic + Guild

TWW on August 26th! We are super excited. Now is a great time to join and hang out with us before!

Raz down! :smiley:

I am bumping this post per requested

We are still recruiting more members, Looking for folks for s4 runs and WW roster!

Bump, bump it up

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I like your juggs

Bumping! Open for TWW recruits!

Bump bump, WW hype!

AMAZING group of people! Highly recommend this guild! Happy Raiding Friends!

Got all 3 raids in Heroic down. Now its time to get started for TWW!

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Hype in the chat

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Currently recruiting for more dps and healers (not resto shamans) for TWW!

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Bump bump time!

Hello there!

Friendly mage here inquiring about your guild.

What is the raid schedule like?
Do you have dedicated M+ schedules or teams?
Are you looking for a mage?


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Hey there - sent a btag request - Kovo#1606. Play a resto druid, priest and pally and looking for a home. Raid schedule looks ideal as well.

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We raid mondays from 8pm EST to 11Est, then our official key day is Wendsdays nights at 7Est, though i ping for keys throughtout the week during the afternoon/night.

Ranged dps and healers are what we have spots for!

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WW hype, the grind starts sooooon!

Still recruiting and welcoming everyone who is interested!

Bump for the bump throne