You can hide your profile and presence

Thus comes the age of anonymous and lies.

Im sure they changed that only because of the forums. I highly doubt it was for legals reasons… Its their game technically and they hold the rights to the ingame content associated with it.

Thus comes the age of anonymous and lies.


Want to know why this is happening?



identity theft.

…to name a few.

“What do you have to hide”…right because any person of course should not want privacy and controls on their online presence. I am a little surprised at the reactions to this…anyone with any sense saw this coming five years ago.

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That has nothing to do with hiding your profile on WoW. Cyberstalking, fraud and identity theft has been a thing since the internet existed. If you’re referssing The GDPR and this, it’s EU focused and only targets EU citizens, for now.

Which, you can’t retrieve any personal information from your WoW profile. Blizzard account, yes but that’s already not public.

Im sure they changed that only because of the forums. I highly doubt it was for legals reasons… Its their game technically and they hold the rights to the ingame content associated with it.

Its a lot broader than that. Dont forget that Blizzard must, of force, comply with the laws of different nations.

Two years ago, you could not literally NUKE your account. Remove it as if it had never been.

That is a function now. Remove ALL personal information.

That has nothing to do with hiding your profile on WoW. Cyberstalking, fraud and identity theft has been a thing since the internet existed. If you’re referssing The GDPR and this, it’s EU focused and only targets EU citizens, for now.

Ever hear the words “legal precedent”?

That has no merit with hiding your WoW profile still. The only reason I can think of this even existing now is the GDPR’s gray area of what information is considered personal. The 2,000 page document does not specifically state what it declares personal information. It uses broad terms that doesn’t clearly layout anything for businesses.

That has no merit with hiding your WoW profile still.

See the whole board.

The only reason I can think of this even existing now is the GDPR’s gray area of what information is considered personal. The 2,000 page document does not specifically state what it declares personal information. It uses broad terms that doesn’t clearly layout anything for businesses.

Read the whole thing. I have. It is very specific.

Raicolette: Privacy was the bread and butter of what I did for decades. The “hide profile” is a privacy control. There will be more.

You may have it but have you implemented a system for it? being the Systems Administrator for a law firm, it does not layout what it declares personal or not. It uses broad terms, which forces business to go to the extreme or take it to court, should the EU organizations challenge your business policy on it. Which, going to court against the EU is not a good idea, see Microsoft being sued by the EU for only implementing IE in their OS installation.

You may have it but have you implemented a system for it? being the Systems Administrator for a law firm, it does not layout what it declares personal or not. It uses broad terms, which forces business to go to the extreme or take it to court, should the EU organizations challenge your business policy on it. Which, going to court against the EU is not a good idea, see Microsoft being sued by the EU for only implementing IE in their OS installation.

Oh yeah I saw that.

Zero sympathy…Microsoft had it coming.:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Yes, it does indeed use very broad terms. Want to know why it was implemented this way? To ruthlessly bring certain companies to heel, after what can only be described as a gigantic list of egregious, DELIBERATE privacy breaches.

They didnt clean up their act. So the EU did it for them.

I’m terrible and not ashamed to hide it.