You Are Not Prepared

Like they’ve used the porcupine model for a hedgehog and the grouper model for gar. Things we know the real world appearance of so they can take liberty in model recycling.

Ok and the other part?

Id prefer a reboot of Warcraft as a franchise.

But that’s a pipe dream at best.

Final Fantasy sub numbers likes to say ‘HI’
Hardly about me, the truth is there

Ive played FF14 the game blows. I would rather have BFA or WoD then play FF14 again

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What other part? The hydra?

Like I don’t see your point about fantasy creatures. What did you mean.

um…yes i am prepared


There are still a lot of changes happening on the test realm. It does seem a little fast.

That these are completely new creatures using the exact same models and one of which is incredibly dated. If they refuse to use the original Azerothian hydras that had two legs and not four because better pixels I’d expect them not to use an almost as old tripod model for their new “Silkstriders”

How does an estimated number that is estimated lower than WoW’s estimated number have anything to do with anything?

Could they be placeholders? Remember the Maw original had Night Elf statues all over to stand in for Maw structures.

Originally I think they were but there’s not really enough time between now and release

I really disagree. I didn’t like Cata, MoP, and WoD as much as BFA. Yeah BFA wasn’t good, but it still wasn’t as bad as these other expansions.

Do you know when they start to work on an expac? Did they start working on SLs before they released BfA and if so, how much before the release?

From THDLock, warlock for World First guild Complexity Limit:

Cry me a river you long eared, bat-like-wings having, green-eyed looking GOOF.

Since they haven’t done anything to fix guardian, it’s really not possible to say it’s being “rushed”.

I’ll take worse only at this point. Even that is better than BFA.

Good news their shares are still over $80.