You Are Blizzard, How Do You Fix The Game With

Like what exactly

We already have most of what we need and more

I suggested fixing the problems that I think are problems. These are not the most popular issues, but I don’t agree the popular ones are either problems nor fixable.

Nice try. When they monetize I will make it.

Just make good games

Tell everyone what this is. The Matrix, that is systems of control and nothing more.

Now let me ask you this? Why would we help them to make it more of what it already is?

I only use details and classic numbers, don’t even use dbm

I can’t think of much or yet alone anything I’d pay for

You wouldn’t be able to think about it. It’s one of those things that you don’t know you need it until you have it.

And I’m not greedy or anything I’d do it for like 10 for 15 cents a month.

Well, I know one thing for sure. I would have made the first tier of Shadowlands a split tier. Playing this patch for 15+ weeks is going to be way too much. Blizzard did themselves dirty big time by forcing themselves to commit to one overly long patch and forcing themselves into a situation where they couldn’t rebalance the game at all.

Castle Nathria should have been a 7-8 boss raid and then we should have gotten Thros or whatever as a 10 boss raid afterward. Probably like four weeks from now Thros should open up. We’d get a big PTR right about now and people concerned about game balance would get some relief that changes are coming and they’re not going to have to play with their broken class/Covenant combo for another 10-12 weeks.

LOL every single one of those except new Allied races would make me leave.

Just to the OPs point

Do a Better job on evaluating reward to effort - i.e. Torgast and the Maw

Get rid of this nonsense I quoted,

  1. Develop the game to be BOTH pve and pvp friendly, resilience gear was not a bad thing.
  2. talent trees should go back to how classic had them, much more options for players, sure there will be min maxers but I play talent of my choosing and do just fine.
  3. kill bots, you know you can but wont I believe you have a secret handshake with them by now, its obvious.

many other things but I’m bored

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What qa firm do you represent? Were you hired by Actiblizz?

What on earth does “fix the game” mean? Make it perfect for Elaice? But other players don’t want what Elaice wants. Blizzard has no intention of creating a perfect game for Elaice.

Blizzard creates a game they think most people want. They KNOW that some players want something different. Blizzard can’t help that. Blizzard can’t create customized games for each of us. If Elaice hates SL, Blizzard can’t discard it and hand over a different game.

BUT players should point out things they think are problems, things that can be improved. Often players notice problems (affecting many players) that Blizzard missed.

I would release Warfronts as a PvP mode, not PvE exclusive, just so I can experience it for myself to know if it would be fun. For a start.

Would probably just purge General Discussion and call it a day.

I end the game.

:: Tips Hat:: You’re welcome.

Let me see your ideas that will make me leave lol.

I am an $ATVI shareholder. Blizzard’s performance is almost irrelevant to my decision making. King/Activision are the workhorses driving earnings. I care far more about mobile & ancillary revenue from King and console based revenues. While you are correct that microcharges over the long run generate more revenue than subscriptions, they are both immaterial relative to total revenue.

I’d turn into a Walter Peck “Shut this off. Shut these all off.”

Focus on evergreen content that you can expand upon with each expansion.

Focus on customization as everyone loves to be an individual.

Work on class flavor to make every class feel unique.

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