You are all the problem

Or consider joining a support group or seeking a professional therapist, which will provide real help that can’t be found on the forums.

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Notice how i have 17likes? the quiet minority agrees that you all need to stop.

now how many of them are your alts?

don’t lie, we have methods

Think about that. The quiet minority.

You 100% are not addressing me in your original post or any response of yours in this thread so don’t even try.

This kind of blind angry stupidity isn’t doing your cause any favors.

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omg good idea wait

Look it wasn’t my fault, it was the last slice of pizza in the box, yes, but I thought the other boxes had some slices left!


that last slice was mine >:O

Whose idea was it to order ONE pizza for ALL of us anyway?

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and ur not addressing my opinion either

the last slice of pizza is more important than addressing the minority of people who are sexist.

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No, I’m not. I’m not going to validate or invalidate your opinion, you’re entitled to it. But that’s it.

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not entirely related to your trolling, but… people who experience privilege generally don’t see it as such. and say things like “i don’t see color” “people are people” (in whatever context) and will never see the world through any lens but their own.

i am not white, but look white. i experience white privilege all the time. someone can deny it all they’d like but when people with similar genetic backgrounds to me but are more dark skinned with more ethnic features get treated entirely differently from me despite also being a decent hardworking person i will call bs all day every day.

it’s the same with men. they do not see how being male affords them certain things just because they are men. even mentioning it will get you accused of sexism. i guess they should read a book. one about when women could vote, in america. how many cattle we were worth up until what year. and that black men were worth a partial vote at a time when even white women didn’t get a say, despite the fact that at that time racists thought of non white people as less than human.

Hell ya. I’m gonna fund blizzard even more. We need more patches. Idc how office life is.

Logic isn’t your forte, huh?

Shoo you low-effort troll!

You truly must be an idiot. I have 4 daughters and an awesome wife. Maybe check yourself. I did not raise my kids to be pigs. Keep growing up on facebook, twitter, and social media and you will find who has been raised by pigs.

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Guys, guys, guys. I can only hand out so many flags. Please form an orderly queue. Thank you.

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I haven’t decided yet if it’s sad, pathetic or funny that this inbred idiot’s post is still up…

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Probably wouldn’t matter what I say because I’m “White male trash and that’s a automatic red flag” to you. Sure doesn’t branch far from racism if this is how you think.

Better to have a better conscious instead of just assuming ALL males are inherently…this.