You AFK Reporters

You AFK Reporter Elitest are rough, i alt tab to put on a youtube song while dead at GY and yall threw my name in chat and booted me so fast.


Where there’s an Emetic, I’ll be there.


Lol I’ve kicked that guy from my epic BG raids so many times.


He actually thinks what he does is funny. He only signs up to grief.

I like your mog. It’s awesome =)

You need a second monitor to be quicker to change the tracks your listening to! But, I don’t think you’re being as quick as you think. hehe

Only fitting then that I’ve been following him around in BGs for weeks camping him!

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He’s become even more obvious lately. As soon as the match starts he’ll make himself stand out away from the pack and see how quickly he can get booted. Types “lol” right before he’s gone.

Today we got him twice in one Ashran. He ended up backfilling into the same one he was already kicked from and we booted him again with only 3 Horde kills to go, LOL.


A lot of people don’t understand how this situation works. If a player is waiting in the graveyard to rez, and they don’t start moving almost immediately, the system assumes they went to take a “quick bio” that turned out to be not-so-quick and were planning on heading into the kitchen to make a snack and get a beer. And boots them fast, before they get back.

You’re welcome. Make a playlist before the BG and don’t inconvenience everyone else in the gy.


The dude doesn’t even TRY to “hide” his afking, it’s actually pretty comical. He literally afks in the same exact spot(s) every single match, he has no shame whatsoever lmao

I had a similar situation to yours in a long AV match about 2 weeks ago. Match starts and a few pugs call out Emetic early on in the match, he gets booted… about 30-35 minutes later we see “Emetic has joined the battle.” and he is promptly kicked again :laughing:

A lot of pug players have caught on to him - pretty much everyone knows he’s a leech by now since he afks so much. The last few times I’ve seen him get kicked it was just some rando pug that initiated it saying something like “report Emetic afk” or “kick Emetic its a bot” in the BG chat.

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But if you were in GY and dead you shouldn’t have been booted?

Yeah that is what I do, got my PvP music list and my Shadowlands 80s rock list.

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I thought he was a bot… that’s a human being behind that toon ? !!! :man_facepalming:t4:

People still play games with 1 monitor? My YouTube on my 2nd screen

I have seen him speak a few times. He’s not even a merc/honor leecher. He is just griefing/trolling.


Someone from a Gingerbeast partial premade I joined whispered him during an AV and actually got a response back - so yes, there’s a real-life human player driving it :laughing:

He said that Emetic told him he’s working on the honor level 500 mount, which is all well and good… if only he wasn’t openly afking/leeching at his teammate’s expense.

If he contributed some damage to a teamfight? Maybe helped defend/spin a flag? Or at least followed the herd around? That would be one thing, I don’t really see an issue there.

…blatantly afking with literally “0 damage done”, often in the same exact spot(s) on the map/off in a corner? That’s where people take an issue/start to notice.

He’s not even getting honor if he’s constantly getting booted, LOL.

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