Yojamba is now dead, everyone went to Arugal

Get rekt. Free transfers from today.

Just saw this! Thank the above as I came back yesterday and went to buy glyphs - zero for sale lol.

I paid to transfer characters onto Yojamba.

There are 2 people online on this server on my faction, why does it even exist?

Well since theres only Yojamba, Remulos, and Argual they might as well keep it at 3. Ik most people dont like low (or even practically dead) realms but I enjoy low pop PvP. Makes it feel more of a connection to the game / the people playing. With the PvP side being merged, i think Yojamba is in a good spot to be the low pop runner :slightly_smiling_face: (population got way worse when they gave free transfers, but it doesn’t bother me any)

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