Yogg-Saron lives, considered "contained."

Almost like I made a mention of that in the post you quoted…

after you editied it :stuck_out_tongue:

No, it was there before the edit. The edit was the stuff involving N’zoth and Zovaal.

I actually agree with this, I think the Old Gods did consider the Jailer to be a threat. Some minions of the Burning Legion on Argus say that the Legion is the only thing standing in the way of the Shadow. I think the “Light made a pact with the enemy of all.” means the Light made a pact with Death and I want to see that unfold.

I think the reality of WoW lore is N’Zoth is just playing chess with Medivh on some cosmic chess board somewhere. Medivh has been pretty quiet and cryptic since his return in Legion.

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And the only world ending threat that the Horde was allowed to defeat on their own. Naxxramas(first battle), Kil’jaeden(first battle) and C’thun were all taken out by the alliance.

I argue in favor that Death is, infact, the strongest of the cosmic forces.

This is since wotlk

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dead… but dreaming

Yeah Shadowlands ‘lore’ made me want to uninstall WoW and put all my once-beloved WoW merch in the trash, light a match whilst walking away and throw it backwards setting it ablaze. The anger of what they had done, made me sincerely depressed.

Just SOME of the issues I had personally were –

  • Ursoc: RP’d a lot of features and story of my druid around Ursoc. Now I don’t even wanna play my druid. :no_mouth:
  • Zandalari Paladin: I had enjoyed because unlike the typical paladin tropes, they took the power of the ‘light’ from the divinity of the Loa (Like Rezan) but they made the Loa pushover plebs in Shadowlands without any real hold in the spirit world like what had been referenced in old lore.
  • Afterlives: Many peoples stories and character-roleplays had lore coming from around the afterlife and Shadowlands pumped it with entropy, robots and terrible writing. Which also sucked for monks who wanted to believe their character was reincarnated since that’s not canon anymore either.

If they said the Shadowlands was like a barrier between the true afterlife and the living realm (And dying there would either send you flying to one or the other) I’d be a lot more accepting and a swarth of relief about it. :face_exhaling:

Then paint some lore mumbo-jumbo to embolden the above:

“The First Ones built the Shadowlands to prevent the powers of undeath from being harnessed from the physical realm in a terrible, woeful scale. Kel’Thuzad - even Arthas, merely skimmed the surface … Which is why it was crucial we stopped the Jailor from changing that reality.”

:point_up: Would repair and strengthen WoW’s lore, because it also helps:

  • The shamans & druidism (Emerald Dream references) spiritual connection lore
  • Along with various races spiritual cultures in the game
  • A handful of other undeath & spirituality lore within the Warcraft universe.
  • It opens up venues for a LOT more potential
  • And lastly: Gives death that ‘meaning’ many players have been craving for – Because they could go to the Shadowlands to find X soul and come to find out they’ve either passed on (to the afterlife) or have been reincarnated.

Yeah it seems shamanism from most Horde races is actually fake. Unlike Elune who is directly related to the winter queen.

I will never forgive Blizzard for what they did to Rezan.

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Which also still annoys Night Elf players, because they were like “Oh hey yeah – The Shadowlands pantheon are actually like all these Bionicle robots. So since Elune is Winter Queen’s sister … Yeah, robot.”


This is me with Ursoc.

Hoping they apply some retcon of sorts and say Wild-gods & Loa that ‘die’ in the Shadowlands are reborn as mortals in the physical plane. It’d cool finding them then having a ‘Restoring former glory’ questline :grin: — Perhaps even show that for the both of them – it’s not the first time.

This rings especially hollow since we were able to save Shadra and Hireek but somehow Rezan is beyond our ability to help because he was wounded? Sounds fishy.

I’m annoyed too because having blessed / powerful humanoid characters is already rather plentiful & a repetitive trope in in most games, genres etc. Having a powerful creature as a blessed & powerful figure in one’s culture or faction is a lot more unique, fun and cool.

Then Shadowlands lays out a “Oh yeah were sacrificing him to buff Vol’Jin.” man I was shaking my head … However, if they make Vol’Jin ‘The Loa of Resurrection’, and with divine awesome powers beyond many’s understanding bring back Rezan and Ursoc as a flex of said-power — All will be forgiven :joy:

Still rooting for the “it was all in our heads” retcon.

Sargeras’ sword allowed N’zoth an opening. Since then nothing we’ve seen or done has been real. N’zoth turned us against each other and faked his own death.

We’ve been stuck in N’zoth’s visions unwittingly doing his bidding even though we think we are on a heroic quest to do stuff.

At the end of Dragonflight, it will turn out everything we’ve done has been a lie. We destroyed the Origination devices. We found the Dragon Isles and unlocked the Titan facility to help return the Old Gods. And then the illusion breaks because N’zoth wants us to see what we’ve done - Azeroths entire map is the Black Empire. We had just defeated the final raid boss and with the illusion broken we see it was the last Titan Watcher not some villain.

We are whisked away to some spot still free from corruption and have to go about restoring the entire planet.

Or maybe Azeroths blood is the equivalent of WoW acid - I don’t know.


If the opening the way to Avalon requires Yogg-Saron’s demise then…

“At the hour of her third death she ushers in our coming.”

The Vrykul mention when we first discover that when Helya is still alive that we can’t kill Death.

I suspect that Yogg-Saron and Helya’s “demises” were part of a big drama intended to fulfill the Prophecy that Odyn read in the Rings of the Loom of Fate through his Eye in the Maw.

Yogg-Saron’s demise will be Death’s 3rd death ushering in our coming to Avalon.

Zovaal was also invested in the Prophecy setting up Sylvanas as Death’s 3rd death using Frostmourne to give her Tentacles just as Odyn gave Helya tentacles.

Y’Shaarj was also vying for the role of Death in the Prophecy’s Drama.

Death’s guise as the Banshee Queen will most certainly called Clíodhna his 6 Heads will be the sworn enemy of King Arthas Pendragon who is actually the 7th head of Death.

We will get a repeat of Arthas’s demise with King Arthas Pendragon and when Odyn attempts to pull off the same stunt as Bolvar we will get Khadgar to end the repeating Saga and shatter the Crown with the words of his mentor: “It may be simpler to shut a door than to pass through it. But sometimes a step into the unknown is required to break the bonds of fate.”

Helya will grab Odyn and freeze the both of them ending their story right then and there as the Repeating Saga of King Arthas Pendragon and the 6 other Heads of Death ends.

Freed from the Saga the Old Gods & Void Lords will for the most part switch to the side of Good while the Light deprived of Darkness to define it shall fall to madness at the loss of it’s role in the story and create a new Villain to fill the Void.

A new Saga will take shape.

I’d maybe tweak some things, but if they actually did this or something similar it would be the freshest thing they’ve ever done in WoW.

Some players would be mad, others would be delighted. I think it would be glorious. It would stir things up, get some publicity, and undo a bunch of crappy lore. Too bad it’s a pipe dream.


wait is this actually true?


Orgrimmar was just remade in the style of Warsong Hold and other Northrend bases, with actually metal and what not. No saronite was used in its remaking.


I do remember it having been mentioned in interviews prior to Cata that saronite would be used to bolster Orgrimmar though that didn’t make it ingame.

Aye, it’d actually be super refreshing. :open_mouth:

Also on the fact that it’d un-retcon a lot of stories people loved, and also restore a hecking —


of lore, that heals the roleplay community whilst at it.

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