Yo, why did they change Primordial Wave? This is clunky af

Ah right, should’ve figured it was a satire joke :sweat_smile: lol
But yeah, Blizz might stumble upon it one day:

“Whoa, how long has this thing been here!?”

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I mean the kick in the teeth is that somebody does actually have some idea about how Elemental plays and what to do with it. Otherwise, the 11.0.5 changes would have consisted of them just ripping Flash of Lighting out and giving us a 5% aura buff which would have left the spec in a worse state compared to what has happened now the with Pwave change instead of the rework we got.

But it seems like that person was on vacation or something…


They took a spec from being fun to play to a complete hot mess that isn’t fun, at all.

They even butchered the resto side to one of the weaker healers in S2, so not much motivation to play the class outside Enhancement, if that’s your jam.

WTG Blizz!

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Horrible change. Flame Shock as is has a cooldown, so cycling between people is a pain. While on it’s not so bad on Enchancement since you can spread flame shock instantly, it absolutely screws with Elemental play. This alone makes me want to switch out of Totemic on Ele simply because I’m now forced to add another GCD to my usual rotation.


Yeah LOL I think Blizzard does actually pay attention to feedback (They’ve gotten a lot better at it over the years, credit where credits due), but… It just takes them FOREVER to actually receive and digest the feedback. And even longer to actually respond, if they ever do.


Unfortunately it is not my jam. I am a historically ranged player and it’s what I prefer. I get my “melee fix” from my rogue and my ret paladin, and the tank alts I play.

Enhancement on my little Goblin Shaman just… doesn’t sit right with me. Lol


Primordial Wave was like one of the most fun things about ele ever since its inception in Shadowlands. I loved seeing all those lava bursts come out and trying to spread as many flame shocks as possible. Absolutely baffled by this change and their reasoning in the patch notes. Very disappointing.


Man haven’t been nerfed this hard as resto in a while. I also want AG back.


They should’ve given ele the same treatment enhance got if they were going to change prim wave for ele at the same time as enhance.

Enhance prim wave is fantastic (though it’d be nice if it still applied flame shock to the main target since pwave has a travel time, 1 less flame shock to worry about would be nice) but for Ele they changed it to behave the same way without buffing the damage, without buffing the maelstrom gen, and without improving flame shock spread. Absolutely insane.

Keep it the way it is now for enhance, revert it back for ele.


I still can’t believe they had a tuning patch and despite the plethora of threads on the shaman forums and the rather popular megathread on the General Discussion – They STILL didn’t revert it …

:upside_down_face: “Wat!?”


Yeah this change is really bad. PWave isn’t my favorite ability but this just made it clunkier and worse. Just terrible.


It is one of the stupidest things I have ever seen in wow in a very long time.
it is so clunky, I don’t think I will ever press it.


Yeah I’m not really enjoying it anymore.
It feels so rooted into the spec, that them changing it just feels …



Perfect 1-word summary lol. That’s really it. It’s so wrong feeling.

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