Yet Another TWW Disappointment Post

We’re on the forums. Nobody was expecting your post to innovate. We expected nothing and we were still let down.

Stop idolizing the dude. He’s great. He’s not the one thing that made WoW good when you last enjoyed it, I guarantee.

Sounds like your memory is going with old age.

Maybe stop burning yourself out rushing through content when you know there won’t be more for a few weeks.

And what you call “innovation” other people called borrowed power systems and have been asking Blizzard to stop doing for years. They’re listening to players. I’m sorry they didn’t listen to you specifically, apparently.

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First mistake… Like why?

I still haven’t left the first zone… I’m having an absolute blast. Download the add-on dialogueui… Makes it an even more amazing experience…

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Lol’ed at this. Too true.

An actual level 80 responding… nice.

And to be fair doing another borrowed power system wouldn’t be innovating. Innovating would be doing something they’ve yet to do… which TWW seems mostly like recycling old ideas to me.

Exactly! It give to us more options for level up alts. We can freely choose any quests line we want at the order we want. We don’t need to do a long main campaign all over again, but we still able to spend more time in your favorite zone, cause there are many options of side quests.

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Like what? Delves are new, and you don’t seem to like them.

It’s still the same video game. They’re not going to re-invent it completely.

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For the record, I have two level 80s right now, working on a third. I just post on this hunter because he’s my forum-facing character and I like to be consistent.


Delves are just building upon the failures of torghast. They are hardly an innovation. I would even consider dragonriding to be an innovation… so it doesn’t always have to be “content”.

No, they are caught up with the fact your arguments are disingenuous at best. Most of these anti-TWW posts have been the same nonsense.

You all rush through the campaign, don’t do any side quests, there’s no raiding or M+ yet or season started yet, and you are all bored and unsubbing because WoW had been dead literally for years and never any new content.

It’s just ridiculous foolishness.


Nah, they’re nothing like torghast, unless you would say that about any kind of soloable mini-instance.

Well, TWW massively expanded on dragonriding, so there ya go.


I’ll never post on my other toons, but for diff reasons. The guild im in has nothing to with my opinions or statements, therefore the forum toon is my only one not in the guild.

Didnt they make the campaign shorter so people like me could rush through it faster? Pretty sure I’ve read that a few times in responses now. Doesn’t excuse the absolutely terrible and unmemorable story telling

Yes, but the other quests are still there.

So complaining that it was too quick means you ignored a lot of yellow exclamation points, which is not something that someone trying to actually experience the story would do.

You can’t have both.

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If you rush through it, of course you won’t remember anything. And the side quests are where the good stories tend to be anyway.

You just played yourself trying to rush to the finish line when there isn’t anything on the other side of it yet.

People have rose-colored glasses with Legion. They remember 7.2/7.3, which was in a great state. But 7.0 was awful. Remember how people would reroll their characters if they didn’t randomly get the legendaries they needed? It did end well however. But that’s a recurring theme.

BFA is a really mixed bag. BFA was peak “meaningful choices” but also the height of optimizing to get players grind as long as possible. Remember HoA grinding? Worse was that changing Azerite traits wasn’t free, which was incredibly player-hostile. It punished you for playing more than one spec or more than one activitiy. And you had to do PvP to get your essences (never do that again).

Also at 115 (IIRC) you lost your Legion artifact powers, which felt awful. Yay, borrowed power.

But the zones were actually pretty good. A lot of people like 8.2 (Nazjatar, Mechagon). 8.3 was much more mixed. Some liked corrupted powers. People generally hated Nyalotha and Visions.

Delves are really Torghast meets MoP scenarios.


The one I did had a torghast like power pick up if I remember correctly

If thats true then why wasn’t this my experience in previous expansions? I rushed through all of them, yet still remember them.

Nobody can answer that question but you.

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