Really? Then how did you “misread” everything after that?
You read the first line then ignored the rest.
Misread my ars.
NO ONE ever thinks flying is a minuscule change.
You address single first note points then ignore the rest it seems. Is that really a way to debate? That’s how you lose debates.
As said at the bottom of the recent post, this is arguing on a SINGLE point. Even without it, there are MANY changes made that, as argued by many pro-guild bank people, would be made to just make things easier to deal with. Which is the Current WoW mindset. Quality of Life to make the game easier.
I don’t mean to be asinine but I point out the not reading a post fully because that is a large issue. It means what you say has little value if you ignore points on end.
Removing, quarantining, blocking, deleting access to. Redefine whatever makes you happy, but like I said the simplest way to “remove” the guild banks is delete the widget in the banks, and not implement the Guild Master controls for tabs.
I agree, you don’t have to delete the entire code base involving guild banks, because there are very few access points. Creating a guild doesn’t give you a guild bank, so alts could quite easily still create a Guild with 9 other signatures. It wouldn’t be of any point, since you can’t make a bank because you can’t click on the non-existent widget in order to bring up the UI to buy the first tab.
Removing Guild Banks from the game is easy. Remember this is a team who is working to ensure that the lighting is the same as it was in Vanilla. They are putting attention into detail.
Are you saying that there gave not been advocates for guild banks that have not tried to use guild banks as justification further changes, such as baking add-on functionality into classic baseline, using the claim that both would be “security features”?
Are you saying that there have not been proponents for guild banks that have tried to use changes of sharding and loot trading as justification for the further change of adding the non vanilla QOL convenience change of guild banks?
Reported? All I did was prove that you were lying. Look.
When right after my point about what I was not saying I clarified what I was saying. Misreading a single word is EASILY corrected when you continue into a post the pivots entirely on the point related to that word.
But if you are done with this then I will stop as I do not wish to be bothersome.
P.S. Just to finalize my point. These are quotes of points that you completely ignored from two of my posts that you responded to. Both of your responses were of the very first 1 to 2 lines only.
Any changes are a bad thing, because even if the change itself is a good thing, it will lead to other changes being made.
Either Blizzard is dedicated to bringing an authentic classic experience with no changes to the game, or they aren’t. There can be no in between.
Seems like most of the issue actually comes from having them. Can’t have your stuff stolen if you aren’t putting it in the guild bank.
Perhaps not, but what logical reason do you have to suggest that won’t happen?
After all, guild banks weren’t in classic. If guild banks can be added, why not flying or transmog?
Never happened to me in vanilla. Y’know why? No guild banks.
How is this a rebuttal? He said no one will be taking his stuff. Future tense. Even in vanilla, people were perfectly capable of bringing their own consumables.
The proper definition is in the term itself. No changes. That’s pretty easy to understand, isn’t it?
No, there’s a bunch of people who think “no changes” means “some changes I want.”
No changes means no changes. Anyone advocating for ANY changes, good or bad, is not truly in favor of no changes. It is black and white, as the term itself is one side of a binary issue: changes, or no changes.
They’re objectively wrong. A change is a change, regardless of its perceived impact on gameplay.
Fixed that for you.
The proof is called logic. If you make any changes, you have set a precedent that is acceptable to make changes.
What logical argument can you make that transmogrification wouldn’t enter the game if guild banks did?
Personal anecdote from a progression raider here. No changes, please.
Well that’s a lie.
Neither do guild banks. They simply move the issue from a single player’s alt over to an official feature of the game.
Guild banks still get raided and stolen from; tickets still get made to deal with thieves, and no one’s loot is any more secure than it was in the first place.
Neither are guild banks. Get over it. #nochanges
If you find them so valuable, go play retail where they exist. If you want guild banks, you don’t want Classic, so please quit trying to ruin the experience for those of who actually do.
You’re exactly the type of person who justified the stupid “you think you do, but you don’t” comment, and you’ve made it really REALLY hard for those of us who actually like and want a REAL classic experience to finally get it.
Reported for arguing on the forums? Report yourself while you’re at it.
I oppose the non vanilla QOL convenience of guild banks being added to vanilla.
I have also pointed that guild banks simply put all those guild resources in a central location, which makes it easy for anyone with permission to second with everything.
Not only that but the point of someone running off with guild mats is one of the weakest pro-guild bank arguments there is.
As someone who has created and led multiple guilds over 4-600 members, choosing your officers is EXTREMELY crucial. I never had it happen to me either before or after guild banks but this “issue” still happens. It happens when someone gains the trust of the guild enough to be ranked in guild bank management. I’ve had a major guild on my server have the entire guild bank wiped clean over night because they had a bad member reach the guild bank managing rank, likely their general or so.
Pretending that guild banks prevent this from being a problem is ignoring how they work and how they are often managed. Could it be prevented? Yes having the guild master do it. But the same answer works for Vanilla’s non-guild bank style.
In fact this is exactly why they made the change to give guild masters the ability to require authenticators for guild ranks. In the case of a general getting hacked and stealing stuff from the guild bank.
Your logic is beyond flawed then.
Ignoring points in an argument is essentially surrendering the argument. Note I am not harrassing nor trolling you but only calling out where someone lies and ignores points.
Also this is you admitting that you were lying earlier.
If you don’t put your stuff in the guild bank, it can’t be stolen.
If you need to put your stuff in the guild bank, it’s not any more or less secure just because it’s an official feature.
Anyone with access to the guild bank, whether that’s an official feature or just some alt you all send items to, is perfectly capable of taking everything.
Indeed, considering guild banks exist in retail and this is still a very prevalent issue.