Yet another guild bank post

You realize that that is the same argument for flight right? Path of Least Resistance Gaming fallacy.

This point relies on an assumption that guild banks cause no alterations of the “Vanilla experience” if you will. That is a false assumption. Guild banks will indeed cause multiple changes to the overall experience of Classic in it’s attempt to be an authentic “Vanilla experience”.

So? Blizzard doesn’t want to waste money on moderators period. If they could reduce money spent on moderation of activity in the game without compromising the game then they would.

In-game action history is not all that hard to deal with. Just because we don’t have access to the history of how items went from point A to point B does not mean that Blizzard’s employees don’t. I’ve had items backtracked through an expansion or two. Seeing how they attained and item and what happened to it is not hard.

I am unsure of where you are getting at with this. Proper guild management is just fine where it is. Also this argument hurts your side as well. Do you know why they added the authenticator requirement option? Because learning who the officers of a guild were that had access to the guild bank was extremely easy and thus hacking said accounts to wipe clean all of the valuables of said guild banks was an issue. An issue I should note that was created by the introduction of guild banks.

Affects gameplay in zero ways other than extreme purists wanting the full original login experience.
